(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) John 8 39 the kings of ad hominem were the Pharisees look at verse 39 they answered and said unto him Abraham is our father Jesus saith unto him if he were Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham but now you seek to kill me a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God this did not Abraham ye do the deeds of your father they said and then said they to him we be not born of fornication we have one father even God oh so what do they doing they're attacking Jesus saying that he was born of fornication so the insinuation that we be not born of fornication is basically this you were you know we're not born of fornication we have one father even God this is called ad hominem where they attack the person even if it's a lie they're willing to do this look I had someone literally this week make like 15 posts about me 15 saying Bruce Mihia is the pastor of first Waco Church in Long Beach California right and they're like they're like he was a youth pastor who abused children and all these things it's just like what in the world are you talking about but this is the kind of rhetoric that they use and people are like can you have evidence I just know this you know by the way folks be careful with listening to these YouTube these is you know the raisin files oh the reason he has so you know oh the the scandal at fwbc continues on like what are you talking about no it doesn't what are you talking about these are the nonsensical rhetoric phrases terminologies that they use because they've lost the fight they can't use the truth they don't know how to use the truth they handle the Word of God deceitfully they're cunning they're crafty they're not interested in the truth folks