(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You see you can know the Bible you can know the events you can know the doctrines But folks if you're allowing things to enter in such as the cares of this world you will become unfruitful as a Christian You're gonna lose your mind You will lose your mind. You'll lose faith. You'll lose your mind. You'll lose your joy 2020 has sucked Let's just be honest But you know for the Christian 10,000 can fall on my right hand 10,000 on my left, but it shall not come nigh unto me We're serving the Lord our joy is of the Lord our peace is of God We can still live a peaceable life because we're right with God In spite of everything that's falling apart all around us doesn't matter how many cares there are as long as those cares don't enter into here as As long as we don't allow the cares of this life to enter into here will be just fine Okay, the Bible tells us go with me if you would see Ecclesiastes chapter 12 Luke 21 34 says and take heed unto yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life So that that day come upon you unawares For as a snare shall it come on all them to dwell on the face of the whole earth You know these folks who are just losing their minds They're not gonna do well during the tribulation Right because here it's saying that people who are overcharged with these things such as the cares of this life That day referring to the beginning of SARS referring to the tribulation shall come upon them unawares Because they are so busy You know with the cares of this life. They're so busy about what's going on in politics Who's gonna become the president what's gonna happen to California? What's gonna happen to my job? What's gonna happen to this my money? There's just like they're they just lose it and that day comes upon them unawares Why because it removes your focus from that which is most important Cares of this life is just a distraction folks To distract you from the most important things in life You know for the mother the most important thing is her husband a man Why are you laughing? It's not joke just kidding. I'm messing with miss Kelly