(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So that even evolutionists believe in creation. What we differ on is who created it. You know there's people out there who actually believe aliens created us. Go to the hollow earth doctrine. Who believe that there's reptilians in the center of the earth and this different world and a different sun and oceans and all these things even though no one's gone down there. You know you say well you know is hollow earth really that unbiblical? Yes because what is in the center of the earth? Hell! So what is the agenda of the hollow earth doctrine, false doctrine? To basically negate the teaching of hell because they say oh no there's no hell in the center of the earth. It's just a different civilization and look they're trying to take everyone to the hollow earth and people who believe this garbage that's exactly what they're going to do. The only difference is that they're going to find that it's not hollow at all. They're going to find out that it's filled with fire and brimstone where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched.