(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Want you to notice before we get into the churches here First and foremost when we read this these two chapters chapters two and three dealing with the seven churches, which are in Asia You'll see that basically what God is doing is he's putting everyone's dirty laundry out there right Now keep in mind That each of these letters they go to all these churches So the letter that went to the Ephesians gets would also went to to Tyreh, Tyreh The letter that went to Pergamos it also went to Philadelphia You know the letter that went to Laodicea it also went to Sardis. Everyone read what was going on in everyone's church Now why is that an important point? Well, it's an important point because today you have pastors and churches That hear about other churches involved in sin and they expect everyone to just stay out of it not to know about it They want everyone to just sweep the sins under the carpet sweep all the abominable Abominable things that are taking place under the carpet and they get mad at preachers like us when we expose that garbage Saying oh, you know, you're you're supposed to keep quiet, you know That's their church and what you do in your church is your business No, actually the one who came up with that concept was Jesus Christ Because guess what the fornication that was taking place in Thyatira those at Ephesus knew about it That's pretty embarrassing, right? You know the fact that Ephesus had left their first love and they were no longer so winning everyone knew about it Hey the fact that Laodicea was a lukewarm church that God says I will spew you out of my mouth Everyone knew about it Now, why is that? Why did he do that? Well because the Bible tells us they that sin rebuke before all that others may fear That's what he's saying the reason he allowed these churches and this Information to circulate to these seven churches and by the way Not just the seven churches because this is appointed to be read in churches period So other churches during this time heard about these things as well but the reason for that is because God wanted us to see wanted us to know God wanted them to know the other churches would know of the sin that's gonna take place in those churches and Basically be a warning to other churches lest that should happen to them as well Very powerful very strong there, but not only that we also see Churches like Philadelphia and the church at Sardis who were church Excuse me church at Smyrna who were above reproach and guess what they became examples to everyone else Because the church at Ephesus who had flaws the church at Thyatira that had flaws the church of Pergamos that had flaws They could look to a church like Smyrna and say you know what? We need to you know, tighten up some screws around here in our church. This church has this down pack This church is is flourishing and succeeding God is praising them for this We need to tighten up the screws in our church in order to do that as well So this is the reason why he allowed this information to basically circulate and permeate all the churches because a church is a public ministry folks a Church is a public ministry. That's supposed to be known publicly Oh, no today you guys just put everything on YouTube you make it public. This is God's YouTube More people have read this book this book than anybody who's actually been on YouTube Think about that. So not just the churches in the first century AD knew about these sins everyone For the last 2,000 years has known about the sins that have taken place in this church these churches, okay Because the church is a public ministry. In fact, look look down at your Bibles go to verse 24 Excuse me verse 23 says and I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know all the churches shall know That I am he which searcheth the reigns and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works He didn't say some of the churches. He says I want all the churches to know Because God's Church Jesus Christ's Church is a public ministry that everyone should know what's taking place in that church