(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And this is one of the biggest things. I mean, this is their they love this part right here We need to observe the set. Why are you meeting on Sundays? You know the Sabbath Sabato Sabaton right and they come up with all these arguments. Look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 and Verse number 6 and look what will they say like? Hey, do you believe in the Ten Commandments? And obviously we're gonna say yes Of course well, you know, it's one of the Ten Commandments is to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy So if you believe that thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery, you know, thou shalt not covet Then you also have to you know, remember the Sabbath to keep it holy What they don't understand is the fact that the Old Testament is not just Ten Commandments The Old Testament is not made up of only Ten Commandments Exodus 20 is not the only place where you're gonna find Commandments You say what is Exodus 20? It's a synopsis of all the Commandments and That's not the only time that God does that he does that even in Romans chapter 13 and another and elsewhere We're talks about love your neighbor as yourself What is that? It is a synopsis of fulfilling the entire law because when you love your neighbor as yourself, what do you do? You fulfill the whole law if you love your neighbor, you won't kill him If you love your neighbor, you won't commit adultery with his wife or their husband, right? You fulfill the entire law when you love your neighbor as Yourself so Exodus chapter 20 the Ten Commandments is simply a synopsis of all the Commandments But here's the thing the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20 is referred to as the Old Covenant It's referred to as the Old Covenant That is that is done away with now. Let me explain to you look at 2nd Corinthians Verse number 3 or excuse me 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse number 6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament not of the letter but of the Spirit for the letter Killeth but the Spirit giveth life, but it's the ministration of death now by the way When it's talking about the letter was that referring to the Old Covenant? Why is it because it kills you It's administration of death Why you see you look at the law you see that you cannot fulfill it and as the Bible says in Romans chapter number 7 Paul speaking by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost says that the law slew him It's referring to the fact that it's administration of death. It's not going to give you life That's why it's ridiculous to think that the law can save you by keeping the commandments And I'll offer you just keep the commandments. You can be saved. That's ridiculous Written in engraving in stone was glorious so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses For the glory of his countenance, which glory was done was to be done away So what is the same this is basically stating? Because the Ten Commandments was written in stone and if you remember what happened to those stones, what did Moses do to those stones? He broke them and his rage. He broke them. What have we done in the New Testament? We broke them