(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Number one, let's just keep in mind the reason I'm giving these points and these are points that you already know But we ought to use current events to reinforce the things that we already believe to prove that the Bible knows exactly what it's talking about Okay, it's not like well, we're Christians. That's not our arena We should just stay out of it things like that folks. The Bible has everything that pertains to life and godliness The Bible should be the one that changes the way we think and if you feel offended by this sermon It's obvious that you don't know what the Bible says Well, I thought Christians were supposed to be pacifists, you know Just pacifist just let a guy come into my house and just rape my wife and kill my children And just let God sort them out doesn't work that way folks And if that's what you think it is, then you have a war twisted view of the Bible Number one, what should we learn? We should never be hasty to shed blood Never be hasty to shed blood. Look folks life is precious according to the Bible Life is a precious thing and I guarantee you Kyle did not go out there hoping to kill someone as The media would like to portray it but you know who did was the evil multitude The evil multitude and in fact you one of the interviews with one of the guys that survived says, you know I wish I had killed the kid He wishes he would have killed him. Okay. These are people who are hasty to shed blood Go to Proverbs chapter number one if you would promise chapter number one Let me read to you from Psalm 55 in verse 23 says but thou O God shall bring them down into the pit of destruction Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days But I will trust in thee a bloody and deceitful man is up is a violent person And let me just make myself very clear that the Bible teaches that self-defense and violence are two separate things You know, I know people say how could you have a gun? This is the Bible teach against violence Yeah, but it doesn't teach against self-defense Hello Violence means to violate someone it means to try to corrupt and pervert someone without their consent Right and just to come upon someone unawares Privately to take their life to rob them to vandalize their property. This is a violation Okay Psalm 11 5 says the Lord tried the righteous but the wicked in him that loveth violence his soul hateth