(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Go to, oh, go to Isaiah 65, okay, so a couple things that are changing, okay? We see the ruling, of course now we're talking about an earthly theocracy of Christ where He's literally ruling and reigning. He sets forth the 12 disciples in Jerusalem, in Israel, they're ruling and reigning over the 12 tribes of Israel. And then the rest of those who are saved are ruling and reigning on a global scale around the world. But then also there's various aspects of the curse that are actually beginning to be reversed, okay? Because sin is still present in the millennial reign. Why? Because you have people who were unsaved, who made it into the millennial reign unsaved, okay? And they have children, they begin to procreate, you know, they're born and they're sinners as well, they're not saved, okay? They begin to grow and there's gonna be, you know, an aspect of sin still present in the millennial reign, but this is why God's law is still being executed, both, you know, spiritually and literally, okay? You know, adultery will be punishable by death, sodomy will be punishable by death, kidnap, any form of sin will be punished because you have the righteous judge executing righteousness perfectly within the world, okay? But there are certain aspects of the curse that will be reversed. Now what's one of them? Well, the first one is this, is that the bandwidth of our communion with God will be shortened. Think about that. Because if you remember in the Garden of Eden, you know, God walked in the cool of the day and spoke with Adam and Eve, I mean, they had him right there. Now that's changed, right? We don't have God, I mean, the Lord is at hand obviously, but you know what, we don't hear God speak to us audibly, right? And in fact, even when we speak to God in prayer, we have to wait sometimes for the answer. So that bandwidth is a little long sometimes, right? Why? Because of sin, because of circumstances, you know, our world is not perfect, you know, there's a spiritual battle taking place, you know, and even if God gives us the answer to our prayer and it's the petition for what we asked for, there's a spiritual battle taking place in the spiritual realm where maybe Gabriel's fighting against some demon in order to get that answer to us. We see that with Daniel, right? So there's a lot of factors that play into our communion with God even today. We pray in faith, right? Sometimes when we pray, we don't know if we're gonna get the petitions that we asked for. We pray in faith, believing, right? We've never seen God. We pray in faith, we walk by faith and not by sight, you know, this is the type of communion that we have today. We have the communion with the Word of God, you know, a physical book that we read where God speaks to us. Well, that will change, folks, in the millennial reign. It will be shortened at that time, okay? Let me prove that to you. Look at Isaiah 65 verse 24, and I love this stuff. This is great. Look at verse 24, and it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer. Man, you thought 5G was fast. By the way, I feel like Google does this sometimes, it's like before I call, they answer, right? It's like sometimes I think about like a product or something, and then the advertisement comes up on social media, it's like, what in the world is going on here? You thought this is five, you know, infinite. Before they call, I will answer, and while they're yet speaking, I will hear. We can't fathom that today, but man, this is gonna take place one day. Where when we think, we call upon the Lord, He answers us right away. There's no barriers between us, because you know, as saints, we're gonna have our glorified bodies, so there's no barrier of sin between us and the Lord. Right now there is. We can't see the Lord. We'll die, you know, in our physical bodies, but one day, we're gonna be able to commune with the Lord in such a way that we can call, and He will answer while we're yet speaking the Bible says that He will hear. And look, you know, Brother Mark was mentioning this on the podcast this week. This is why, I mean, sometimes if you wonder like, man, what's the new world order gonna be like? Well, just look at what God does and just kind of flip it, because that's exactly what Satan, Satan has to duplicate, try to duplicate and copy what God is doing, okay? You know, and we're talking about basically the mark of the beast and Neuralink and the agenda that they have behind that, which is basically the chip, the Neuralink, precursors to the mark of the beast. It's gonna go into the forehead, and they're trying to get it to a point where they can create a global language to the point where you can communicate, so to speak, telepathically. They say that's what they want to do, you know, where, you know, they'll say, you know, there's no man today, you know, there's so many breaches, you know, things get lost in the communication, sometimes you don't hear someone perfectly, but with this type of technology, you can just communicate and nothing gets lost, okay? Well, that's just simply a copycat of what God does in Acts chapter 2, Brother Mark was pointing out, the Holy Spirit speaking through the prophets, you know, every man heard, you know, that which is being preached in their own language. So it's kind of like the same thing. Well, in the millennial reign, we have something that's way better than what the Antichrist could put together. We just communicate with God as we're thinking or as we're calling upon the name of the Lord, you know, to help us with something or to provide something, He will answer, okay? So our communion with God will be so much closer to what it is today, okay? That space that keeps us from, you know, and look, sometimes it's the space that causes us to doubt in prayer, right? Because we pray for something that doesn't come right away, then we begin to doubt. We wonder, is this going to happen? You know, is God going to provide, is He going to protect us, is He going to be there for us? Well, that's going to be completely just God, okay? It's great.