(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What is that? That is sensationalism with empty promises. Or how about this? Prosperity preachers. Ha! Send in your $20, ha! Send in $100, ha! And you'll be healed of your cancer. And they send in all this money, they still have cancer, their leg is still broken. Their bills are still not getting paid. You say, why aren't their bills being paid? Because they're giving to the prosperity preacher. That's why these Benny Hinns, these preachers of L.A. type pastors who are very sensational. I mean, they do the dance. They got the ha! And they allure people through the lust of the flesh. They promise them liberty. Liberty from financial debt, liberty from their broken ankle, from their cancer, and all this nonsense. But you know what? It's a bunch of empty promises because they give, they get their handkerchief in the mail and their holy water, and nothing happens. Nothing happens. These are sensationalists. And look, Pentecostals, I know I talk about them often, but they're notorious for this as well. Benny Hinn with his jacket, and he's like, street fighter everyone all over the place, and he's healing people left and right. It's fake, it's empty promises, folks. It's not real. The Bible says, and through covetousness shall they with feign words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. So look.