(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) okay he's saying don't fight against these people preaching the gospel because of you something bad might happen to you okay and look that ought to encourage you to stay on the right path to not only stay on the right path but preach the gospel and work for God why because you have a special hedge of protection about you because you're doing God's work God will protect you look why not God's saying look this guy's working for me this family is working for me they're getting job done there there's getting so saved I mean they're doing a great work don't disrupt him from the work but you know when you have these people criticizing you and trying to hinder the work of God you know what they're doing they're fighting against the hand of God just the other day found out they had an hour-long meeting about me at some other church a secret hour-long meeting about me you know Jack Rodriguez strikes again now most of it was just about being loyal and you know hey you need to be loyal to me you need to bow down to me and all these things and you know that he claimed that I said that his church is not even saved I never even said anything like that go ahead look listen to the sermon I post them on YouTube so everyone could listen to it and he's like oh you know that guy said that we're not all so no I said you're not safe Jack I said you're not safe I said you're a reprobate Jack not the people in your church in fact I kind of like the people in your church because they came to my church and I got I got along great with them they're good people they just got a wicked leader for a ruler they got you Jack I said you weren't safe but you know what let him say whatever he wants he's fighting against the hand of God why because we're out here doing the work of God you're boasting you ought to be humble you know what it's obviously it's not my work it's the fact that the people here have teamed up have put in the work in the effort to see people saved I get to be a part of this work I've seen people say but you know when you have a bunch of reprobate false teachers you know you think God's just gonna let him let him go no you know what they're gonna fight against the hand of God and they're gonna suffer the consequences because of it and Jack Rodriguez is a reprobate anyways you know God may not kill him today unfortunately but you know what he will do he already has a place reserved for him okay he has a place saved for him already because anybody who teaches that you can lose your salvation for any reason is a damn reprobate okay oh you're cussed no he's damned damned means he's going to hell that's what that means don't let that word offend you okay and he's on there he's trying to do damage control because all kinds of people are waking up in his church and they're leaving I think that they have like 20 people leave his church you know what I say that hey man good to these the great awakening praise the Lord for that you know these people are waking up seeing what kind of phony he is you know it's funny because I called them out about him saying the heat that people lose their salvation if they believe that if they don't believe that the Jews are God's chosen people he never retracted his statement he never corrected it he never denied it you know that means he believes it he never like say well just want to let you know church I've never said it no he just like flat-out just didn't even say anything about it you know why cuz that's what he believes that false teacher but you know what people like that they want to fight against us have had it you're gonna find yourself fighting against God