(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now this is not something that is only subject to the Old Testament, this happens today folks. You know you have pastors today that are operating as pastors. They're operating as operating as pastors but they're false prophets they're wolves in sheep's clothing and they're there to fulfill the desires of what they want and to take advantage of the flock of God for whatever reason whether it's a financial motive, it's a moral motive of molesting children or whatever it may be you know it really depends on the false prophet but you know it's caused people to become discontent or unhappy with the things of God with the service of the Lord you know and this is very prevalent in a lot of churches but especially like mega churches for example you know where people they they're leaving those mega churches by the droves because of the hypocrisy of those pastors who are either money hungry they're greedy there's all types of immorality and fornication and adultery taking place by those in church leadership they're committing to you know they're they're stealing money and and doing these um these unrighteous acts and it's causing people with any you know two brain cells to rub together to say this is wrong even in those liberal churches people who are just kind of like whatever about the bible they don't even know what the word of God says it's going to rub them the wrong way still I mean it rubs unsaved people the wrong way unsaved people are like this is wrong why you know what why do you got to own a Ferrari if you're a pastor or something you know why do you need a yacht why do you need a helipad for what's what's up with that oh it's for the Lord it's for the ministry it causes unsaved people to abhor the house of God as well people tell us oh you're going to turn people away from Christ uh no they're turning people away from Christ through their evil deeds and their covetousness and greed that's what the bible teaches us folks I mean look at the look what it says in second Peter 2 verse 2 it says and many shall follow the pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of the way of truth is evil spoken of today because of false prophets doing the work of God unrighteously their wolves and sheep's clothing causing saved and unsaved people alike to speak evil of the truth sometimes why go to church there's all kinds of bad stuff that happens at the church the pastor's doing this he's doing this he's stealing money he's sleeping around he's committing this he's committing that and it's causing the way of truth to be evil spoken of why because of these false prophets that's why it's important that you know we don't just ordain any Tom Dick and Harry that comes through the doors amen that's why the qualifications of a pastor are present in first timothy chapter 3 and in titus as well titus chapter 1 is to give us a standard by which we can use to qualify an individual to see if they're apt to be able to be a pastor and that's why we don't just lay hands suddenly on any man why because people need to be proven prove what proven if they're if they're apt for the job or maybe if they're just a wicked person because wicked people sometimes seek positions of leadership and authority because they want to take advantage of people okay it says in verse three and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you feigned meaning empty vain words fake words insincere words i mean if that doesn't tell you if that doesn't spell out liberal churches today i don't know what does yeah steven furtick type churches they shall make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumber not god does not take that lightly folks go to jude the book of jude if you would to the right go to the book of jude right before revelation god does not take that lightly you know and and yeah that's that's present in liberal churches but it's also pregnant in fundamental baptist churches as well i mean you have paul chapel and lancaster baptist church and he's guilty of that as well all this all this greed and covetousness you know and obviously like you know it's not wrong to to to have money to sustain your family but folks there's a limit though there's a limit and and here's the thing you know when when he's rubbing shoulders with false prophets such as john mccarthur right i mean that should be a red flag i mean he's literally taking pictures with him posting him on twitter and he's a man of god and all these things it's like you're praising the wicked that means you've forsaken the law of the lord they that praise the wicked have forsaken the law of the lord but such as keep the law content with them that's what the bible says but yet he's praising john mccarthur and all these things and you know his fruit is not good either i mean his fruit is fruity yep go look at paul chapel's fruit that's exactly that fruits fruit loops and so that that should tell you something oh whose fruit are you then well i'm i'm the fruit of the new ifb and you could examine the pastor who sent me out and my pastor friends and they're righteous men of god who are thundering forth the word of god they're not men of covetousness they're men who are above approach not perfect but men who are above approach they love the word of god they're winning souls to christ they got great churches you can visit any one of their churches and and test their doctrine and look at the people that are in their church they're righteous men