(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We need to go back to just practicing the principle of separating from people who don't have the doctrine of salvation correct. And not just write them off as, oh yeah, they're just a little mixed up in this area, but they're right on this area. You know, they're mixed up on salvation, but they're good on music. I don't care. What in the world? You know, they're mixed up on salvation, but they got dress standards that are really good. You know, their women are modest. You know, they're getting modest themselves all the way to hell. Because modesty doesn't get anybody into heaven. You know, if modesty got into heaven, then all the Muslim women would be going to heaven. Right, because they're covered from head to toe. They're not even showing off the eyebrows. Just a line, you know? The Robocop line. That's all you got going. Modesty, don't get me wrong, modesty is important. Biblical modesty is important, amen? But don't come at us and say, well, you know, yeah, they're just, the Amish. You know, they're wrong on salvation, but man, they sure do keep their kids in line. Oh yeah, keep them in line all the way to hell. Look, what shall I profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? You know, you could be as close to looking like a Christian as you want. It profits you nothing if you don't have salvation correct. And I'm not saying that I just fellowship with just anybody who believes in the right salvation, but what I'm stating is, you know, I'm not gonna give credibility to someone who may look as close to me as possible but believes wrong on salvation. Why, because at that point, the Bible teaches us that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, neither can he know them for they are spiritually discerned. So what makes you think that this person is gonna be able to teach you anything? If they don't even have the right gospel. You know, the deep things of God, the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God, but in order to teach you, you gotta have the Spirit of God in you. And people who have the wrong gospel do not. We need to get away from having this mentality that because they're right on other subjects, but they're wrong on salvation, they're a-okay to go. No, they're not a-okay. And in fact, if they are ardently teaching a false gospel, the Bible says that they're a false teacher, a false prophet. The nine, the only Lord God that bought them, they bring in damnable heresies. Privately bring in damnable heresies. Even the nine, the Lord God that bought them. God has strongly condemned the person who not just believes wrong on salvation, but is propagating that as well. You know, they are receiving the greater damnation, okay.