(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) when like matter the world is almost in the same the same manner where the creation groaneth why because there is that one point where the world was perfect and now it is not so we see the world being perfect through the transgression it became cursed and that's where we are today so what is the answer well if you think about it when jesus christ comes in revelation chapter 19 he comes and really dramatically changes everything does he not because the curse continues from that time all the way up until revelation 19 right at the establishment of the millennial reign look what it says in revelation 19 verse 11 and i saw heaven opened and behold the white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with the vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with the rod of iron and he tread at the wine press of the fiercest of and wrath of almighty god now what does this refer to we see this according to revelation 1616 as being what the battle of armageddon this is one of the greatest wars that this world will ever know right aside from the battle of gog and may god may god later on this is the battle of armageddon jesus christ comes on a white horse to wage war against the anti-crisis false prophet and the the armies right and we see how we know how it ends he just completely destroys them he destroys them with the brightness of his coming so he's going to war listen to this he's going to war with the principalities and the powers of this world right destroys them cast them into the lake of fire and then what do we see we see him establishing his millennial reign and he's basically triumphant right so he overcomes the principalities and the powers he establishes his kingdom and now he is triumphant now what can be what can this be compared to when it comes to our salvation well think about this you know when jesus christ came and was crucified on the cross he basically destroyed you know he basically thwarted the plans of satan right but not only that think about this in colossians chapter 2 when talking about the crucifixion it says this it says that you know he blotted out the handwriting of transgress of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us nailing them to the cross and listen to this and spoiled principalities and powers making a show of them openly and what triumphing over them in it the bible says you know he got that victory when he was crucified on the cross now obviously in colossians chapter 2 the interpretation there is referring to the meats drinks and divers washings cardinal ordinances that were imposed upon them until what the time of the reformation so in the old testament they were to adhere to these ordinances these ceremonial laws but those things were done away when jesus christ was crucified on the cross why because he became the fulfillment of those things he made a show of them openly and he brought in the reformation in other words the new covenant he's the better mediator established upon better promises of the better covenant right well think about this you know when the millennial reign starts what is it it's a reformation he's changing everything completely why because prior to that you have what's called the new world order the one world government the one world financial system and the one world religion and what does jesus do he just comes and just decimates it all right and he brings in what we can call a reformation a complete change to something that's way better right so we see that there in revelation chapter 19