(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) because here's the thing is that a preacher can get up who's not necessarily as exciting or as bombastic but if they're preaching God's Word it's still very much attractive because God's Word is beautiful no matter what if someone's preaching it it's always gonna be attractive it's always gonna be beautiful but there are ways there are unbiblical ways that people try to make the Bible attractive let me give you some number one by leaving out the negative aspects of the Bible people tried there's churches and pastors out there they will try to make the Bible attractive by literally leaving out negative aspects of the Bible they want to make it palatable for their church palatable for the world palatable for their friends so in order to do that they think well I can't show them Leviticus 2013 I can't read through Romans 1 Oh God forbid that you would read through Psalm 139 you know because that would make the Bible unattractive no false you fool don't leave things out of the Bible hey the negative things there you're basically saying that God made a mistake by putting those negative things there you're basically telling God you know what you don't really know what beauty is you don't know what people really want let me just show people the palatable aspects of the Bible because that's the only way that people are gonna like what you say God that's basically what they're saying and you know what liberal churches are notorious for this they subtract from the Word of God all the time okay they don't like going through the negative aspects of the Bible why because in their mind they're like well we got to make it attractive and palatable to the audience you know if they find out what God really thinks if they found out about Genesis 19 if they found out about Judges 19 not just Psalm 23 oh man people would lose it they would lose interest in the Word of God that's what they think so they think the way they can make the Bible palatable and attractive to the masses is by removing the negative aspects of the Bible