(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) is that all these preachers that they hear on television, Sean Hannity and the like, are indoctrinating them to think as they do to go and conquer lands and just hate Muslims and hate all these nations who are anti-American. It's ridiculous. Look, and I find it interesting as well that like old IFB, they're very racist. Yeah, they're racist. Old IFB has a huge problem, a huge elephant in the room, and that elephant's called racism. You know where it stems from? It stems from Fox News is where it stems from. I find it interesting that old IFB who wanna criticize me online, the worst thing, the worst insult they can come up with is what, oh, you look like a Muslim. You look like a Muslim. So what does that say about you and your love for the Muslims? So if the greatest insult you can have for me is that I look like a Muslim, what does that say about you as a Bible-believing Christian and do you love the Muslims or not? Apparently, you hate them so much that you're willing to even use it as an insult to other people. You say, do you feel insulted? Not really, I don't really care. They just say that because I can grow a beard and they can't. That's not the end of the day, that's what it is. Look, hey, great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them, amen.