(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me give you some examples of these okay, you know an extreme example of this would be yellow journalism You guys ever heard of yellow journalism? You think of like the exaggerated tabloids you see in the grocery store if you don't know what I'm talking about like the the enquirer Right you go to the grocery store. You say you know bad boy or something you know or you know this There's aliens and ufos. I remember being a little kid. I'm like why isn't this stuff flying off the the Store man, this is an interesting if I had money I'd buy this and I'm thinking like man They found aliens when I was a kid, and it's like what in the world and they're they're already taking over the world I mean just complete exaggerated nonsense. It's sensationalism just with no accuracy whatsoever They just completely put fake stuff out there fake news laughs. They have a lavish use of pictures Misleading headline pseudoscience by so-called experts They have no legitimate or well-researched news now the equivalent to this in the biblical realm is like troll channels Right you have these channels that troll men of God and they're very sensational First me he exposed all capital letters First Me he had denied salvation by faith, and then you click on it. It's like this guy's lying You liar You're not even legitimate. You're just lying you're being sensational you're inaccurate and look there's tons of channels like this right the raisin files You know where you have this idiot just constantly making these claims that you know all this stuff is I'm gonna Reveal to you in the next video the sins that are going on at faithful word about the church and here we are five months later or whatever and Nothing's being exposed. You know why cuz they're lying. That's why They're lying You know Steven Anderson exposed the new IFP exposed we have something on Bruce Mihir You got to listen to this and all and then you click on it. It's just like clickbait is what it is It's completely in accurate It's yellow journalism on YouTube. It's the bat boy You know the Bible tells us that they which are unlearned and unstable rest the scriptures, right They take things completely out of context. You know these are the people that desire to be teachers of the law Understanding neither what they say nor where they affirm They just want to fly out the mouth with this false information because they want the attention But when you click on their video when you open up their their link or whatever, it's just a bunch of nonsense It's shallow. It has no facts whatsoever. This is the wrong type of sensationalism Okay. Now let me give you some some modern day examples of this for example, Jean Kim Is a sensational preacher Okay, and if you don't know who Jean Kim is god bless you you shouldn't You know, he's this hyper Dispensationalist who you know, by the way, our church is Non-dispensational whatsoever. We reject hyper dispensationalism. We reject modern dispensationalism. We reject moderate dispense, whatever dispensation It's not even in our vocabulary Okay, the only time it is when we're reading the word dispensation in the Bible that is not defined by what they say it is But he's this hyper dispensationalist that believes like in Nephilims You Genesis 6 Nephilims right the angels came in and they married, you know physical women and they had these massive children You know the size of skyscrapers They referred to as Nephilims and they'll use this to try to get people to listen to them This is sensationalism because why you said why is that because Nephilims aren't real folks We don't adhere to the book of Enoch here at this church The book of Enoch is a fraud of a book You say how do you know the book of Enoch is a fraud because it doesn't match up with the rest of the Bible It sounds like a like a yellow journalism is what it sounds like