(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But it goes on to say here in verse number nine as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any Other gospel unto you than that you have received let him be a curse for do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men for if I yet please men I should not be the servant of Christ So we see here that in context what is Paul talking about Galatians chapter 1 as far as being a servant of Christ? Preaching the gospel and he makes the contrast of those who are seeking to please men They're typically the ones who are perverting the gospel where as to you have someone like Paul who's preaching who wants to please God What is he doing? He's preaching the gospel There are those who pervert the gospel and there are those who just preach the gospel Who are the ones that perverted those who want to please men those who want to get their churches filled with members? They want their tithe they want everything that they have to offer financially. They don't care about their souls Whereas what does Paul say? I want to please God therefore. I'm going to preach the gospel