(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) needs to be talked about publicly okay especially when you're tolerating that garbage people need to get their hair plucked out their beards plucked out they need to humble themselves but we need both but this is needed more than the other one I think you know a good example of this is Tyler Baker that fool needs to get his beard plucked out oh you shouldn't call him a fool he's a fool look I'm not talking about the people who are being deceived by him you're like who are you to say nothing you know what I get to preach here every single week so I'm gonna go ahead and say it and guess what pastor Anderson is just fine with it he's a fool and I'm not talking about the people who are being deceived by him who maybe they haven't read their Bibles cover to cover maybe they don't know specific doctrines and they're getting deceived I'm talking about him he needs to be ashamed he needs to get shamed he needs to get his beard plucked out and his hair plucked out because he's leading people straight he's gonna lead people straight to hell with this stupid modalist garbage I've been an independent fundamental Baptist for 11 years never once have we ever even thought of inviting this stupid doctrine into the church never if you were to told me about I would I didn't even know what the term modalism was we used to call it the Jesus only movement that's what we used to call it and we always figured that that is just related to Pentecostals there's like yeah that's that's something that Pentecostals do you know but I gotta be ashamed of himself and look I want to encourage everyone here to pray pray for Tyler Baker yeah pray for him pray for the reprints he can repent pray that God destroys him and destroys valiant Baptist Church which is not a Baptist Church by the way oh you shouldn't pray look we don't got time to go through the scriptures and Psalms okay but we need some imprecatory prayers okay because this idiot is starting the church on the same day as there's so many make a marathon all right I think that's the same day right shame on him and look shame on the people who follow that idiot who don't even believe like him but just because they're against us you're gonna team up with them Tomlinson you joke of a pastor you know just because you don't get along with us or you don't agree with us you're gonna team up with some heretic