(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) They went out from us But they were not all of us for if they had been of us They would no doubt have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us What does the Bible Thomas, you know, there's times when there's people who are in the church or you know They're in the congregation and they seem to be of us. They seem to be because they're in the boat You would automatically assume they're on board They're on board with the doctrine they're on board with the direction they're on board with the vision But you know what at the end of the day when they go out teaching some false doctrine believing some heresy about salvation We understand, you know, they were in the boat, but they're not really on board Throughout the Bible we see examples of people Who played the part? Okay, but they weren't weren't really part of the program now This could be for two reasons one They're just a really wicked person a reprobate a false prophet an infiltrator Okay, or two, they're just carried about with every wind of doctrine. They just become worldly They don't have an appetite for spiritual things. They're just a fleshly Christian and they're just doing their own thing Okay They can be either or but let me give you some examples of really wicked people who are in the boat But we're not on board the most obvious being Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot was part of the twelve disciples. I mean talk about being in the boat The boat being Jesus, right? He's there with Jesus doing ministry for three years I mean he has him right there at his right hand. He's with them day in and day out But what does the Bible tell us that he was the son of perdition? Look at Acts chapter 1 verse 16 men and brethren This scripture must needs be must needs have been fulfilled which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas Which was guide to them that took Jesus for he was Numbered with us and had obtained part of this ministry. Let me paraphrase that he was in the boat Now this man purchased the field with the reward of iniquity and falling headlong He burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out So what do we see with Judas that even though he was numbered with the disciples? He partook of that ministry He had Jesus right there in the flesh. He was in the boat. So to speak. He was not on board He was a wicked person who was stealing from the offering plate. He was a thief he betrayed Jesus he wasn't even saved. Okay. He was in the boat, but he was not on board Go to Luke chapter 17 If you would Luke chapter 17 We see that Judas is a perfect example of someone who's in the boat, but they're not on board They may be they may claim the name of Christ. They may be in the right type of church They may you know talk to talk but at the end of the day, they don't they're not walking the walk. Okay?