(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look the Catholic Church are not the only ones that believe this or to practice this There's many religions out there that claim to be able to do the same You know even within the Buddhist culture for example in Southeast Asia, Cambodia They go to witch doctors in order to help them cast out devils and demons You know by their enchantments, and it doesn't legitimately do anything You know it gives it's like a it's like a spiritual placebo is what it is Makes them think that they have they no longer have those demons and no longer have those devils They won't be oppressed and possessed by these people. It's false It's phony and what it's meant to do is deceive the nations is what it's doing okay? Now look Here's the thing is someone casting out a devil like if you say well I saw someone casting out a devil, and I think that person is legitimate I think that person is a Christian. I think that person is a man of God false because there is no casting out devils today We don't cast any devil out That was a gift that was given to the Apostles to confirm the message that they had okay Now there is a spiritual meaning behind it And we'll get into that in just a bit, but if people claim today like for example you have Pentecostals Who claim they can cast out devils and I literally I've been in the Pentecostal Church? Where they like they have this segment of the service where they cause people to come up They lay hands on them, and they start frolicking and sizzling You know and it's just like then the demon is taken out of them And people think well that has to be the power of God. That's the finger of God well look at the Bible says in Matthew 722 Many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils Ain't that interesting and in thy name done many wonderful works, and then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity So we often focus on the many wonderful works the fact that they prophesied in his name to calm Lord Lord but keep in mind there's an element there that they said we're able to cast out devils and Folks in context of Matthew chapter 7 he's addressing the Pharisees because they are the false prophets of that day And you know what he's referring to he's referring to them who are casting out devils these so-called vagabond Jewish exorcists Who are going around trying to cast out devils and and by their enchantments and do these types of practices, and you know what? They think that that is godliness But it's not okay