(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) right there you're wicked if you believe you can lose your salvation for any reason and look jack rodriguez from will of god baptist church in highland park you're wicked for saying that you could lose your salvation you know how many people you're going to lead it straight with that garbage just because you love the jews you're willing to kick out good godly people from your church just because you love the jews that's wicked oh you shouldn't say his name you know nehemiah called out the nobles of the land yeah but you know that pastor's been around longer than he's been alive longer than you yeah and he still hasn't learned he's read his bible far many times than you yeah and he believes that garbage what bible is he reading yeah exactly you know that person that pastor needs to be called on the carpet and look these pastors are over here in omani they need to be called on the carpet as well if i knew his name i'd call him out you know get him out at us because we're out soul winning finding our tracks look if i found his track and it has the right gospel amen praise the lord we got more baptist churches in the area so many but what happens they find our tracks and they get all ticked off because we're here what's the big deal you might win someone that i didn't get to win and vice versa why am i your enemy right just because i hate faggots and i preach against the jews and i'm post shrimp that has nothing to do with salvation you know we can have our differences and look there's churches out there's churches in this area and in our area they maybe don't agree with us 100 but they're so winning baptist churches praise the lord for them amen we'll keep our backyard clean and as long as we can live in peace and often the way you live in peace is just you don't stay in contact amen don't stay in contact but when you start criticizing us for soul winning that's nonsense we saw 43 people saved last week amen that's a blessing amen i mean just a week we saw 43 people saved you know how if you think that's bad then you you're just something wrong with your heart you need to pluck out your own beard and if you're not willing to pluck out your own beard don't worry i'll do it for you i'll pluck it out for you because you ought to be ashamed of yourself because people get saved you get mad you know and you say man i just don't agree with you calling out that person's name you know i need to hear what he says look and under the mouth of two or three witnesses everywhere shall be established amen and i have two witnesses you say who are they the ones that got kicked out they there's like that's what that's what he said in fact the guy he came up and his fiance he she came up she's like did he really say that i can't believe he just said that to us you could lose your salvation how much do you have to idolize the jews look i know people in our in not in our movement but in baptist churches who don't agree with us they wouldn't even go as far to say something stupid like that you know they they think that that's heresy that they believe that the jews are not god's chosen people but if you're asking so do you believe that we lose we can lose our salvation if we speak against the jews they'll be like no that's no no no not at all i just don't think it's right but you can't lose your salvation for that even the people who don't like us wouldn't go as far as to say something so stupid he said why did he say something so stupid because he's unsaved i said it and the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god neither can he know him for they are spiritually discerned he's not saved you shouldn't say well how are you going to go around questioning people's salvation just like that you want me to do it again i just did we can have differences in a lot of things but when you start saying just because the jews we believe the jews are not god's chosen people that we lose our salvation you know okay let's let's go let's take it a step further i don't agree with this statement but let's say someone said oh i don't even believe that person was saved in the first place even though that's heresy that's still not as bad as saying that you can lose your salvation that's gib status right there and when you're hearing gib status i mean you're on your highway to hell right there i don't like you know what you're saying we need to learn some more bible you're learning it right now you know if ezra the reason ezra and the reason nehemiah were able to do what they did is because they knew the bible you know and if this offends you it's because you're not in the word of god enough and these these things need to take you off okay look if someone gets kicked out of another church for being a fornicator yeah they're not welcome even if even if it's from the church they kick me out if they kick you out for being a fornicator you're not welcome here yeah but but don't you want to team up so we can go against the church to kick you out no if you're a fornicator no what are they if you're a drunkard no because that's that church still has authority and even though we don't agree on a lot of things if they booted someone out for the right reason we're not accepting we're not teaming up together okay that's not the way it works but you boot someone out who believes like us and that's the only reason you're booting them out first and foremost welcome come on in guys welcome the faithful word baptist church let's go do some soul winning you know but you know what after that we're plucking some hair he said why is that because those people are leading people astray okay by the way someone met with that that pastor jack as i like to call him you should call him pastor no no no pastors are for people who are saved that's the title that's deserving for safe people you guys get that you have to be saved to be a pastor yeah you guys know that and jack you know they did someone confronted and said you know you have people preach at your pulpit their post trip he's like what he's like yeah and he called out like some names that came to the church that repulsion he's like well i don't believe that i got to hear that out of his own mouth funny you want to believe all the rumors when it comes to us but all of a sudden someone someone calls someone on the carpet who you had preached and all of a sudden you need to get the context you need to get the other witnesses you're a hypocrite