(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay, and I was very angry when I heard their cry in these words, then I consulted with myself What does that mean? He's just like should I do it? Yeah, I'm gonna do it and I rebuke the nobles and Who and the rulers and said unto them ye exact usury every one of his brother and I said a great assembly against them who Said a great assembly against them. So he's rebuking them and then the people around there like hey, yeah, what's up with that? Like You're doing this. Oh You shouldn't rebuke the nobles or the or the rulers Nehemiah just did and guess what you read later on in the passage They repent of it They get it, right That's the purpose of it Okay, they that sin rebuke before all that others may fear the Bible says, right? They see it and guess what look no pastors without accountability People need to own up to these things And you can't just get up and teach whatever you want and have no one come question you on it. You're not the Pope This is not that this is not you know, the Catholic Church here You understand that He rebuked the nobles and the rulers wife because they're exacting usury They're charging 1% interest on their brethren if you read the passage, but guess what? They got it, right Why because Nehemiah were buked them? Okay, and we need Nehemiah's today to just stand up and look some of this pastors in the Spanish churches that are In this area, they don't agree with that guy's doing they don't agree with a lot of these Spanish pastors are doing But you know what they need to do. They need to rebuke it But they won't like is they're afraid they're scared then they might lose their support. They might lose their friends lose them You don't need them You got pastor the pastor over here in Long Beach Parada marrying his divorced daughter who has a child out of wedlock He should step down There I said it He should step down He has 30 years of ministry and he still hasn't learned See when you tell me what those the the amount of years that they had you just go to show me how wrong they really Are then if they had that much time and they have not gotten right with God It's wicked Verse number 12 says then say they we will restore them and will require nothing of them So will we do as thou sayest then I called the priests and took an oath of them that they should do according to this Promise. Oh wait that pastor Prada. I remember I met him in Bible College and he said this he said these words to me He says yeah, we'll only have one service a week. I Said really he says yeah, because that's how the Liberals do it He goes in there. They're real successful Now I've never been to a liberal church has anybody been to a liberal church before is that true? Do they have one service? So he didn't he then he's like really liberal He said he goes that's how the Liberals do it and they have a bunch of success And he told me he said this and I was young. He said you'll see I Was like I'll see what you becoming liberal I Mean even as a young Christian. I knew that I was wrong Why are you templating yourself? through the Liberals through unsafe pastors and Congregations and say you'll see yeah, I am seeing now Okay, and that's why that church is filled with a bunch of sin. It's filled with fornicators drunkards Divorce is just rampant in that church. No sin is being preached against But you know what? Oh, you shouldn't say his name. He's one of like the fundamental popes. He's a noble and he's a ruler, huh? Yeah, he's perfect for this And we need to say it look and by the way, we've had people from his church come visit here, man And hopefully the next generation will continue to come. Okay, aren't you afraid afraid of what what is this like the mafia? These are churches Okay, and no man should ever be above that to think that they're just like some they're gonna put a hit out on us for saying the name No, it's the elephant in the room You know, obviously there's a lot of english-speaking churches that are in the wrong But in this area, there's a lot of Spanish churches and just because they speak Spanish doesn't make them not a church Still a church and it's still held accountable to the standards of the Bible. Okay