(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) no one wants to listen to a boring preacher let's just be honest can we be honest here no one wants to listen to a dried up just prune of a preacher even if they are preaching accurately at times now look i prefer a dry preacher is freaking preaching accurately than a sensational preacher who is inaccurate okay but at the end of the day god actually wants his preachers and his pastors to be sensational he wants them to be exciting why because we have an exciting message to present whether that of judgment or that of salvation or that of any other counsel that the bible teaches us the bible is an exciting book it has an exciting message now there are times when preachers get up and they're sensational they're dynamic but they actually lack content they're shallow they don't really have a whole lot of bible with them and they attract a lot of people like for example joe olstein is a sensational preacher and the proof is in the pudding look at his stadium i mean when you have a church inside of a stadium by the way it's not a church obviously this church is filled with baptized believers amen you know when you have that obviously people are coming to listen to him give his little motivational speech and he's sensational now why preach on this particular topic well for three reasons reason number one is so you can identify both and differentiate between them okay so you can know who is the sensational preacher who is preaching accurately and who is the sensational preacher who's just preaching lies or just is inaccurate and his statements doesn't know his facts doesn't know his bible so that's number one so you can identify both and differentiate between them but the second reason is because you know the right type of dynamic preaching is actually being criticized today you know people often look and by the way there's no new thing under the sun you know people have often criticized the independent fundamental baptist for being sensational okay you know from the time of j frank norris in the 1920s when he was ripping on sin he was ripping on evolution he was ripping on communism he was ripping on on alcohol people criticized him back then they would say oh you're just trying to be a sensationalist because you're calling out all of the bankers who are involved in adultery you know this guy would often put billboards in different parts of the country more specifically he had two churches one i believe was in detroit michigan if i might have that one mistaken but the second one for sure was in dallas fort worth okay but he had two of the biggest largest churches in america at that time and he would put these billboards where people could see and he would say come to church tonight i'll tell you all about all the bank the name of the bankers who are involved in adultery and you know a ton of people would show up and you know what five bankers would come up and say please don't tell them it's me you know yeah that's sensational but it's accurate