(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now what this particular passage is teaching is discretion. When you do the service of God, learn discretion. Don't sound a trumpet, okay? If you want a true reward, be discreet about it, okay? Now when I look at this particular passage here, I think of one person specifically, okay? And I'm thinking of a famous YouTuber, actually, whose name is MrBeast. You guys know what I'm talking about? This guy's a really popular YouTuber who, I mean everyone knows, even the child knows who MrBeast is, you know? But MrBeast is a famous YouTuber. He has about 150 million subscribers, okay? And he's essentially responsible for creating this genre of videos where he does these really expensive stunts and challenges, but he's very much known for his just extravagant donations that he gives, because he gives away a lot of money. And this guy, obviously, he's really rich, okay? Obviously, he's very wealthy, he has a lot of money, and a lot of his videos are based upon him giving away a lot of this money, okay? And you say, well, what's wrong with that? You know, what's wrong? He's giving away money, because he'll give away a lot of money, like hundreds of thousands of dollars, okay? I mean, if you look at his videos, he's just like, 100 deaf people here for the first time, and you know, it's referring to the fact that he's providing hearing aids for the deaf, okay? Like, 100 blind people see for the first time, and he's providing something for them so they can see. You know, it's a lot of those types of videos, and he even has, I think, a particular video where, you know, he goes to a restaurant or something, and he, the waitress comes, and he tips the waitress a brand new car. I mean, this girl is probably ecstatic about that, right? Like, who would not want a car as a tip? You say, how do you know all these things? Oh, because he sounds a trumpet. So, when he uploads that video, it gets millions of views so that everyone can see his philanthropy, right? They can see his generosity. You know, from a world's perspective, it's just like, well, there's nothing wrong with that. You know, he's giving away a lot of money. He doesn't seem like an immoral person. He doesn't seem like a wicked person. He's not doing anything immoral, per se. He's doing the world a service by giving away all that money. What's the problem with that? Well, the problem with that is, is that he's created a generation of young people who are only willing to be generous as long as people are watching, who are only willing to be a blessing to someone and feed the poor and give away money as long as it can go on their Instagram, on their social media platform, and millions of people can see it. So, it's not necessary out of a motive because they want to help people. It's not because they want to be a blessing to someone. It's not because they truly want to help the less fortunate. It's because it gets them views. It's because they want the glory of man is what it is, okay? And here's the thing, like, obviously Mr. Beast is probably not even saved, right? I mean, I never had a personal conversation with him, but I'm just gonna guess he's probably not saved, okay? He's calling himself Mr. Beast. You know, that's not necessarily a good name for a Christian if he is one, and I don't think he's even claiming to be a Christian, but let's just pretend for a minute that he is a Christian. You know, he's not gonna get any rewards from God, right? He's not gonna get anything from God. I mean, imagine, think about all the millions and millions of dollars he's invested by giving to people and all the vehicles and just millions of dollars that he's invested. It's all down the toilet because it's not gonna count for anything in the eyes of God because God is reward. You say, what's his reward? The views. The million views is the reward, which makes him more money, and then he's given away more money, but in the eternal, it does nothing, okay?