(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, this goes along with one of my other points, but what happens when you're too busy? You don't produce something of quality. You see, why? Because you have this false sense of accomplishment, but you're not producing quality. That goes back to the point of doing the right things the right way, okay? You know, you can be busy for years on the mission field. Years and years and sending the prayer letters how you're praying for this guy and we're discipling him and praying that they get saved six months later and all these weird things. You know what? And, yeah, you could be a hero to the people in your church because you're on the mission field for 10 years and you saw like one and a half person saved and they're a hero to these people, but are you producing quality? Let's just throw a couple hundred bucks down, go to the mission field, go preach the gospel, go eat some tacos, go have a good time doing it, and then you produce something of quality. Look what the Bible says in Matthew 23, 23, 15, woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you come to sea and land to make one proselyte. That reminds me of just missionaries today, don't they? And when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves, right? Why? Because you're not even preaching the right gospel. You know, they are preaching, they don't even know how to preach the gospel, they go, they come past sea and land to go reach people to make one, but he becomes a Calvinist. That's not quality. You know, when they become some liberal with the rock and roll fun center, that's not quality. Better to just get them saved, get some hard leather lung preaching into their hands. Well, what about disciples, are you just going to forget about them? No, that's why we left them with material. That's why the people we met were like, hey, here's their YouTube, check it out. You can listen to our preaching every day or every week or whatever. You know, the lady we met who I baptized, her son got saved, he got baptized, and then we're taking him home, and in Spanish we'll say, you know, where do you live? And he said, in English, make a left. I say, hey, that's pretty good, you know? Little Mexican kid knows how to say left, and he goes, okay, now make a right. I'm like, do you know English? And he's like, yeah, I speak English. I'm like, well, thanks for saying something, you know? He's like, yeah, I mean, I used to live in Arizona, and I lived in California, and I'm like, okay, you know, you fooled me, you know? But the guy speaks English. So I gave him the YouTube channel. I was like, check it out, man, you know? But you know what? That's quality. The guy's actually saved.