(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And the reason I say that they the Bible says that they don't have faith is because God has removed their ability to have faith God has removed their ability to believe you understand and in fact the Bible tells us that these These people are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth So they can learn about the Bible they can read the Word of God They can know all the the characters of the Bible and all the story But they will never come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ why because God has removed that from their mental compartment They're incapable of doing that why they have a seared conscience as the Bible puts it Okay, they're ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, and he says now as Janice and Jambres withstood Moses So do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith the Bible says So You know not everyone in this world is like a Janice and Jambres because who's Janice and Jambres these are people who make it their agenda they put a considerable amount of effort in Withstanding the man of God and the Word of God that's being preached that takes a particular wicked person You know some people who just don't like Christians for whatever reason they're not going to spend their life fighting Christians the guy who slammed the door on your face and It's just like didn't want to hear about Jesus and didn't really care what you had to say was rude to you That person is not unreasonable and wicked. He's just he's just a sinner Okay the other category that this but the Bible is referring to is the Category of people who actually go out of their way to try to stop God's Word from being preached That takes a different level of evilness and wickedness That means that they hate God they hate the Bible like oh, man, you're just exaggerating there aren't people like that I mean he's saying it right here And they're so dangerous that they would even see to hinder the work of God This is why Paul says that we would be delivered From unreasonable wicked men and in context that actually the people who he's referring to is the Jews The Pharisees the Jews those who are adherence to Judaism These are the people who sought to hinder the Apostle Paul and in fact in first Thessalonians We see that he addresses them and he said Satan hath hindered us and it was in context of the Jews Okay, because Satan was using the Jews to stop the Apostle Paul from preaching the gospel like oh, you're just being racist You're just racist against Jews Well folks it doesn't take much to see that when you read the New Testament The greatest adversary humanly speaking of the Christians were the Jews I mean who's gonna argue with me about that That's that's a common theme That's an overriding theme of the New Testament is that the persecution of Christians was not coming from the Romans Okay, I know people try to deter your attention from the Jews and place it on the Romans But it's not from the Romans We understand that the Romans executed Jesus Christ by means of the crucifixion which is a Roman practice, but The Jews are the ones who said his blood be on us and on our children. They're like we'll take credit for that Let me just put it in modern terms. We'll take credit for that Okay, and so will our children take credit for that. I mean think about that