(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, you know, it always cracks me up when some unsaved, wicked, godless, God-hating reprobate thinks they know more Bible than I do. It makes me laugh. Makes me laugh when some wicked individual out there, you know, you say, what are you talking about? Well, you know, our channel has been growing a little bit. The Jews haven't caught on to me, apparently. I've infiltrated the JewTube, okay. And, you know, we got a lot of subscribers, but the comments are just insane. You know, sometimes I just stay away from the comment section just because it stresses me out. You say, why are they persecuted in the comment section? No, it's just how stupid people are. The amount of stupidity in those comment sections, it just hurts my brain. I'm like, wow, I didn't know, you know, this many stupid people were in the world. And stupid enough to actually type in their comments, to be saved forever on YouTube, to record their stupidity. It cracks me up. And they're just like, I'm not a Christian and I hate God and I hate the Bible. It's so stupid. But this is what the Bible says. When you know for a fact, if that person was right in front of you, you gave them the Bible and say, find that verse for me. They wouldn't be able to find it. Judge not lest they be judged. That's not in the Bible. Judge not lest ye be judged is not in the Bible. Did you know that? You say, what? Lest ye be judged is not in the Bible. You say, what does it say? Judge not that ye be not judged. And folks, you know, when I heard that I thought, well, maybe they're getting from some modern version. It's not even in the modern versions. These people suck so bad. They're not even going to the modern versions of the Bible. They're just like, I don't know who they're getting from. Like, where do you, they think, well, you know, the by, the King James Bible uses the word lest. So maybe it'll add more credibility if we, if we say that. And I can't tell you how many times people have told me that. Judge not lest ye be judged. And I'm just like, that's not even in the Bible. I don't know what you're talking about.