(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's not a license to cover sin and disobey God either go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 5 You see somehow along the way within the last decade or two decades You know what leadership has become basically the guy who covers up sin whenever it takes place in the church It's like oh well what leadership is is the ability to organize sin out of the view of the people Okay, that's a bunch of crap Okay, you know what leadership is is the ability to humble yourself and say oh man I hired the guy and he's a stinking faggot And we need to fire him and turn him into the authorities Okay, but you know what we have today. We have leaders who are now willing to fess up to that ie North Valley Baptist Church Who hired a straight pedophile and then when they find out that he's a pedophile, what do they do they try to cover it up? You know, that's garbage leadership and it's interesting I was an I was preaching at Verity Baptist Church just about a month ago And I called out North Valley Baptist Church just for that reason. I talked about the weak leadership. What happens this week Finding out the Gio Vannelli, you know the song leader music director whatever of the vice president of Golden State Baptist College being found that he's a pedophile You know People will respect past retriever if he would just been like this is disgusting. I can't believe I didn't know about this He's fired. We're turning him into the authorities But what what do we see of this pastor just trying to cover everything up just like with Mike Zachary and all those other faggots Okay. No, why don't you be a man of God and just own up to it? That's what leadership is We have weak leadership in America today Okay, and look people want to get mad when we when we start criticizing the old IFP But this is the reason why we're criticizing the old IFP Because it's because of the weak leadership the old IFP had and look obviously there's people in the old IFP that are not weak leaders They're great men of God. They've done great things. We love them We may not agree with everything, but you know what? There's people also on that side of the fence that are not good leaders And I think good leadership is just covering it up all the time Anytime something happens I'm best that gets killed to what happens Joe I've just comes puts a cloth over him and drags them out of the way So no one sees them That's not the way to go about things first Corinthians 5 1 says it is reported commonly that there's fornication among you in such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife and he Are puffed up and have not rather mourned that he that had done this deed might be taken away from you Paul saying you're proud You're arrogant. You're proud. You're puffed up. Why because you're not dealing with it Okay, you said what do you think why do you think past retrievers not dealing with it You know why because he doesn't want to lose money. That's why Okay, he's afraid to mar his reputation What about God's reputation? You're gonna cause the enemies of God to blaspheme because of your weak leadership