(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now what does it mean when it says he fell down headlong he burst asunder in the midst and his bowels gushed out Well, let me read to you from Matthew 27 verse 4 is that saying I have sinned and that I have betrayed the innocent blood This is Judas speaking and they said what is that to us? See that to that and he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed and went and hanged himself Now some people would say well, there's a contradiction here because in Matthew 27, it says that he hung himself But in Acts chapter 1 it says that his bowels gushed out, you know that he fell down headlong He burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out, you know, what's really going on here? You know that he hang himself or that he just blow up like what happened? Well, let me just say this acts 1 is simply the result of Matthew 27, okay Because you got to think about this if it says that he fell down headlong That's just another way of saying he fell down headfirst Okay, so the implication could be That Judas basically hung himself on a cliff of some sort that was very high off the ground Think about this, okay You know, and I'm not trying I'm not trying to get gory here, but I'm just trying to help you to understand this Okay, so when he hung himself basically The moment when the force was applied to that rope if it snapped it would cause his body To turn and fall down headlong now depending on how high he was Yeah, the force of his body hitting the ground of how high it was. He would burst asunder and that's happened to people You know, they come off they commit suicide to jump off a building or they're thrown off of a building of some sort You know, they splatter. Okay, and So, you know the impact on the rocks could cause his bowels to basically gush out So a couple things is this is they either when he hung himself the rope snapped Causing his body to rotate falling down headlong burst and asunder or you know, I've heard these theories as well as that when it comes to execution and hanging someone they often say, you know, if you if you Hang the person too short You actually basically you'll snap the person's neck Okay, if it's just right, you know, basically they they strangle if you do it too low You could actually decapitate the person. It's actually a science behind hanging people. Okay, everyone's face is just like So It couldn't be any one of these with Judas So basically when he hung it would make sense that this is what happened to him and he said why? Would God put such a gory detail? You know in the Bible You know, why would he allow that that why couldn't you just say well he just hung himself Well, because I'll tell you why because he hates Judas That's why So his death and the manner in which he died will go down in history for all of eternity You know the fact that he hung himself, but God didn't just let him hang himself. He allowed him to burst this I just blew him up You know just completely disintegrated his body when he hit the ground And look folks make no mistake about it. God hates Judas He sold us I mean he basically betrayed his son he's the son of perdition You know, you know and in the spiritual application is this yeah, you know what when he burst asunder He burst asunder meaning he split hell wide open Is what he did That's exactly what happened to Judas