(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now you say well, you know, what's wrong with the Bible? I mean, you know, I'm sure he went to the Texas Receptus You know and he got I mean they should align somewhat Well, let's look how much they align in Romans chapter 3 and verse 1 the King James Bible says what advantage Then hath the Jew or what prophet is there of the circumcision? So when the Bible said what advantage has the Jew in other words is talking about that the oracles of God Obviously were given to them. They had received the laws of God They had an advantage in the fact that they knew God and understood God Right. The Word of God was revealed to the Hebrews in the Old Testament That's the advantage that they had God gave them the Word of God and he committed unto them the responsibility To propagate the Word of God throughout the whole earth to evangelize the Gentiles That's the advantage now keep in mind that one of the heresies of Dispensationalism is Zionism. We know what happens to Israel if we those that follow the scriptures It's very clear Israel's not going away You sense the hope with those people with the people of Israel do you sense that they understand the reality I Because I do see this that they know God has a special plan for that country Well, Jonathan Darby Look what he says what then is the superiority of the Jews or what is the prophet of circumcision now? Hold on a second. What then is the superiority of the Jews the Bible doesn't say they're superior The Bible says they had an advantage He wants to show that the Jews are more superior than anybody else it doesn't say superior says advantage You know, but of course a Zionist would say oh no, the Jews are superior to Gentiles You know, we're just a bunch of dirty heathen Gentiles and they're superior than us No, you know what? The Bible says that God is no respecter of persons The Bible says that we're all made of one blood He here's the thing that what's the difference between a Jew the Old Testament Jew and the the Gentiles Here's the difference the Jews had an advantage they were given the oracles of God They were given the laws of God, but were they superior when they created better than the Gentiles? No, but not according to John Darby, yeah, he's just off a little bit. Well strike one God's doing something now But think about this now we are coming to love Israel and understand that God still has a purpose the church is The Gentile Church I should say Luke 2 33 says and Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him So the Bible the King James Bible is very careful not to call Joseph. Jesus Christ is dead Why is that because he wasn't? God is his father right but in Luke chapter 2 and verse 33 John Nelson Darby Translated it as this and his father and mother Wandered at the things which were said concerning him So in John Nelson Darby's version God is not the father of Jesus But Joseph was the father of Jesus. It takes out Joseph's name puts his father He said no, you're reading from the NIV. No, this is John Nelson Darby Bible John 16 8 says and when he has come he will approve the world of sin talking about who the Holy Ghost Right. What did John Nelson Darby say and having come he will bring demonstration of the world of sin So the Holy Ghost is gonna teach me how to he's gonna demonstrate how to sin Taught him how to do it, but it wasn't the Holy Ghost First that's the audience 1 9 and the King James Bible says this for they themselves show of us What matter of entering in we had unto you and how ye turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God John Nelson Darby his version says for they themselves relate concerning us what entering in we had to you and how you Turn to God from idols to serve a living and true God now you might think well, what was the difference? Here's the difference King James says the living and true God John Nelson Darby says a living and true God. Let me ask you a question is our God a Living and true God. He's just one of the living and true gods, you know along with every other No, he's not a living and true God. He is the living and true God. There's only one God There's only one Lord that we serve second John 1 7 the Bible says for many deceivers are entered into the world Who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an Antichrist So he says this the Bible says to confess not that Jesus is come in the flesh right because he came Well, what is his version say for many deceivers have gone out into the world? They who do not confess Jesus Christ coming in the flesh This is the deceiver and the Antichrist Now you can look at different versions of the of the Bible and they'll read very similar to Darby's version of the Bible This isn't semantics and this isn't a small issue. This is proof that even in John Nelson's Darby's version of the Bible a Purposeful effort is being made to condition people for the New World Order How about this in acts 837 our King James Bible says this and Philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest And he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God if you want to be baptized You must first believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why we don't baptize babies That's why we don't baptize unbelievers. Why because you must first believe on Christ You must have a clear testimony of salvation and then you can be baptized. But what does the John Nelson Darby version say? Well, it says nothing Because if you open it up to acts 837, the verse is missing and you say was that that big of a deal Well, the fact that the verse that explains that salvation is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and that you must believe on him in order to be saved and then be baptized is removed is an attack on the doctrine of salvation 10 I'm a read to you from Colossians 114 in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sin So the Bible teaches us that we receive the forgiveness of sins the redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ Well, John Nelson Darby doesn't believe that he says in whom we receive redemption the forgiveness of sins not through the blood So you notice that there's these subtle changes these systematic changes to promote false doctrine You say well, what's the big deal? You know, I mean, yeah, he was off on those things But he was right on the pre-tribulation doctrine. He was right about the Jews You're following a guy who wrote his own Bible Who inserted his own theology? And ideologies and false teachings within that Bible and you're saying that those two doctrines are right You see today you have these dispensational Baptists who will ardently fight against the NIV They'll take a stand against the ESV and these modern perversions of the Bible yet their foundation for eschatology And their foundation for their view on Israel stems from a man who wrote a Bible that reads just like these modern versions No, that's your golden calf Then you need a melt and be poured down your throat You