(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Genesis 25 verse 21 says and Isaac and treated the Lord for his wife Because she was barren and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived and the children struggled together within her And she said it fit be so why am I thus and she went to inquire of the Lord and the Lord sent her two nations are in thy womb Now does that mean like she had like two bills two million people in her room or whatever? No, obviously we could read that and say okay Jacob and Esau two nations will come forth out of them Right people and the Lord's answer two nations are in thy womb and two manner of people Shall be separated from thy bowels and the other shall be stronger than the other people and the elder shall serve the younger Keep reading. It's obviously talking about Jacob and Esau But if you study the lives of Jacob and Esau and you study the events that takes place within our lives Esau never served Jacob. In fact, Jacob was always the one who came to Esau and said he's willing to serve him So we can clearly look by their lives and the events that take place in their lives That to say okay, obviously Malachi chapter 1 and Romans chapter 9 is not referring to the individuals. Who is it referring to? It's referring to the people Okay. Now for instance, do we believe that Jacob loved the Lord? What's another name for Jacob? There's multitudes of the scriptures in the Old Testament where Israel got away from God they were serving other gods did Jacob ever do that No But anybody with the brain in their head will realize that anytime the Bible talks about Israel and how it gets he got away from the Lord it's not talking about the literal person Jacob It's talking about the nation So we need to take that say and by the way those who disagree with us on this doctrine would agree with what I just said They would say Nate Israel's referring to the nation. So it's not referring to the actual person Jacob. Okay, but here's the thing They need to take that same thought and apply it to what we just saw here Because because look in Romans chapter 9. What is the context is referring to save Jews and unsaved Jews? It's referring to save people and the people who are not of Israel. So he's that's the same context that we're talking about here now