(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) okay because I'm speaking to that we are that you know the ten years ago is like the next generation it over here that's this is us and we're just telling you what's lacking okay we need to hear hard preaching on sin we need to hear about divorce we need to hear about adultery we need to hear about fornication we need to hear about drunkenness we need to hear about all these things but no one's teaching this next generation why because they've grown old spiritually but they're still babes in Christ there's more focused about giving a motivational speech than anything else everything's okay throw your money in the plate hey they meant they measure spirituality about how much you throw on the plate I'm just gonna go ahead and say they measure the spiritual growth of somebody it doesn't matter if they didn't read their Bibles for like a whole entire month as long as they throw like a thousand dollars inside the plate everything's all good it's all gravy baby why is that because they're greedy a filthy lucre that's why and they need have someone to teach them once again the first the principles of the oracles of God they need to grow up