(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It doesn't take much to see the similarities between Roman paganism and Catholicism Just a bird's-eye view just a brief overview You can see they have more in common with Roman paganism than with Christianity He said what do you think you started well, I don't think that's a proper question where we started Because of the fact that salvation has always been by faith throughout the entire Bible throughout all ages Right, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forevermore. I Don't think that's even the right question to ask the right question would be when did the New Testament start? Okay, look what the Bible says in Hebrews 9 verse 15 is his for this cause He is the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgression that were under the First Testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance For where a testament is there must also be of necessity the death of a testator for a testament is a force after men are Dead, otherwise, it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. So what is this teaching us? It's teaching us that the New Testament began at the death of Christ Now the doctrine did not begin at the death of Christ the doctrine of salvation did not begin at the death of Christ What happened at the death of Christ the New Testament which replaced the Old Testament? Okay, the meats drinks diverse washings the priesthood right the the all these observance of days holy days Sabbaths these things were replaced but the doctrine was not so salvation has always been the same Jesus Christ has always been the same. Well, what about when did the church start though? Well, if you really want to go that deep there is a church in the wilderness in the Old Testament There is a church in Matthew 16 There's a church in Matthew 18 and then Ephesians chapter chapter 4 tells us that glory shall be in the church throughout all ages So the question is now when did the church start because there's no such thing as a universal church Which is exactly what the Catholics believe they believe that there is a universal we're all part of the the church, right? There's a universal church Whereas the Bible does not talk about a universal church. It talks about local New Testament Visible churches and that can be proven up and down left to right Because of the fact you have even the New Testament church discipline where you actually excommunicate someone out of a church Well, you can't do that. There's a universal church. You know, I find interesting is that the actual Protestants You know Calvinist These reformed Baptists their doctrine actually is closer to the Catholics than ours You know dispensationalist believe in the universal church You know the Catholics believe in what's called a purgatory Right. Well, guess what? The dispensationalist believe in the same thing. They just took that label off and put Abraham's bosom It's the same thing