(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When I think of people, when I think of Apollos, to be honest with you, maybe it's because it's where I come from, I think of Bible college students, sometimes. I'm serious. I think of Bible college students because I've had Bible college students, they're saved, and they're zealous for the things of God, but they don't know a whole lot of Bible. You say, why is that? Because they're not teaching a whole lot of Bible in the Bible college, okay? They're teaching a lot of commentaries and all these other things, but they're not teaching the Bible. They make you read everything but the Bible sometimes. And therefore, they're not learning the Bible. Well, you know, I think of Apollos as like, man, we need to bring in the Apollos, these Bible colleges, and just teach them the word of God more perfectly, okay? And you know what? I'm thankful that there's a lot of Bible college students listening to us online. On YouTube now, they're listening to us online. They're contacting me, they're contacting Marcos, they're contacting different people. I think it's great, you know? And hey, if you're a Bible college student, we welcome you. Come visit. Visit Faith Forward Baptist Church of El Monte, California. You'll enjoy it. What did you say? Summer's coming. Summer's coming. You know, come on. Summer's coming. You know, the semester will be done. You can't get demerits. Come by and visit. So we can show you the word of God more. You say, oh, you're being prideful. The Aquiline Pursuit weren't prideful. They said, come here. Let us show you the way of the Lord more perfectly. That wasn't them being prideful. They established him in the Lord, in the word of God. You know, so there's a lot of Apolloses in these Bible colleges that just need to come to a Faith Forward Baptist Church and just be taught the word of God even more, you know? I believe that. Look at verse 27. Look what the result was of this meeting between Aquila, Priscilla, and Apollos. And when he was disposed to pass into IKEA, the brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him. Who? Apollos. Who, when he was come, helped him much, which had belief through grace. For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publicly showing by the Scriptures that Jesus was Christ. I mean, this guy went out and he was on fire. You know, the Bible says he was mightily convincing the Jews. And why? Because Priscilla brought him under their wing, they taught him the ways of the Lord more perfectly, and he was able to go out and be more effective, okay? And look, Bible college students, you know, some of them are just lukewarm and effeminate as the day is long, and I want nothing to do with the refuse of the Bible colleges, most of the Bible colleges. You know, they're just there because their mom and dad sent them, they can care less about the things of God. Forget you, I don't want you to, don't come visit. Stay where you are. I'm talking about those who do want to do something for God, and feel like they need to grow in the things of the Lord, they want to do something big for God, you need to come to one of our churches, okay? And no, you're not sinning if you come here, okay? You're not like a heretic if you come here. And look, come here and I'll show you why you're not a heretic for coming here. I'll open up the Bible. You ask me anything you want. By the way, DM me on Instagram if you want. Ask me any question you want, I'll answer it, I'll give you nothing but scripture, so you know that I'm not some sort of false prophet heretic, you know? Because I know that's what they're all saying about me over there, you know, that I'm some sort of heretic false prophet, he's going down the wrong path. Well, let me just show you the path that I'm going down, okay? Because the path is the Bible path, okay? The old paths, okay? That's the path. So contact me, shoot me a text message, say, hey, I don't want to get in trouble, but I want to come down and visit, you know, we'll get a basket, like they did to Paul or something that just dropped you in. I don't have a problem with that, you know? You're welcome here, Apollos, you know? If you want to do something for the Lord, contact me, you know? And visit everyone, visit, we'll do some sort of, look, I'll even say this, maybe don't even come to a church service, why don't you just come sowing in with us, right? Yeah, I'll go sowing in with you, you come visit, if you say, hey, I don't want to join the church service, but I'd like to go sowing in with you, come on, hey, we have sowing at 1.30 in the afternoon, if you can't make it for that, we'll be here at 4.30, if you can't make it for that, we'll be here at 5.15 on Thursday, and if you can't make it for any one of those, just call me and I'll make time to go with you any time in the week. We'll go sowing, and look, you don't even have to come to one of our church services, if all you want to do is learn how to sow in, come on through. I'll teach you, I don't have a problem, I'll give you my time, okay, to teach you how to do sowing. Alright, Apollos? Because that's what I think of when I look at this verse, Apollos is just those Bible college students who are paying a bunch of money to learn commentaries, you know, they're paying a lot of money to pay more money to buy more commentaries, you know what I mean? You know, you don't have to pay me nothing, okay? I will pay for you, I will pay attention to you, is what I'll pay, okay, and give you my time if you need it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.