(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Basically the connection that the Bible's making here is that the man who goes for the strange woman is the simple who are passed on And are punished. This is a simple-minded person void of knowledge. The Bible says in Proverbs 9 verse 13 a foolish woman is clamorous Loudmouth, she is simple and knoweth nothing for she sitteth at the door of her house on a seat in the high places of The city to call passengers who go right on their ways Whoso is simple let him turn in hither That's for him that wants its understanding. She say it to him stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant Hey, if anybody if any woman tries to get you to establish some sort of relationship and seeker with you red flag Red flag folks This is the same woman says stolen waters are sweet Bread eaten in secret is pleasant. Yeah, but afterwards that mouth shall be filled with gravel. That's what the Bible says And the bread probably tastes disgusting anyways, it's rotten it's got mold the waters are probably bitter Just know this the strange woman will never deliver on her promises Just like Satan never delivers on his promises Look at Genesis 38 verse 12 It says in the process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died and Judah was comforted and went up unto his sheep shearers to Timnath. He and his friends Hira the Adulamite and He was told Tamar Saying behold thy father-in-law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep So Tamar is the wife of Shuah Okay, Shuah at this point has already passed away. And so she's a widow. Okay, and So they told Tamar hey Judah who is Shuah's dad, excuse me Yeah, Judah who is Shuah's father is coming down to basically to be in this area they tell this to Tamar look at verse 14 and she put her widow's garment off from her and Covered her what they veil and wrapped herself and sat in an open place Which is by the way up to Timnath for she saw that Sheila was grown and she was not given unto him to wife So let me explain what's going on here Judah his son passed away, but he told Tamar Hey when my other son is grown then you could marry him and you know, you'll you'll have someone to take care of you You'll be married Everything will be fine. But the thing is is that Sheila grew up and Judah did not give her give him to To to Tamar so he basically went back on his promise. So she's a little upset about that. Okay, and So now she's conspiring she's doing this deceitful thing where she's gonna take off her widow's garment and put on the garment of a harlot It says to Timnath for she saw that Sheila was grown and she was not given to him to wife when Judah saw her He thought her to be in harlot Now to the previous point obviously what she was wearing made her look like a harlot Okay, so that means some women who are can look like a prostitute not be a prostitute But they just dress like a prostitute When Judah saw her he thought it to be a harlot now She wanted to look like a harlot though Because she had covered her face and he turned unto her by the way and said go to I pray thee Let me come in unto thee For he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law and she said what would thou give me? That that man is coming unto me and he said I will send thee a kid from the flock And she said wilt thou give me a pledge till thou send it and He said what pledge shall I give thee and she said thy signet thy bracelets and thy staff that is in thine hand And he gave it her and came in unto her and she conceived by him now The reason she's doing this is because she's basically gonna gonna gonna trick him. Okay? so that when News comes back to Judah that his daughter-in-law is playing the harlot, you know He overreacts is like, oh man, we need to burn her Cuz this is like hey, she's conceived by a by, you know by she's having a child by whoredoms and Judah's like death Kind of like the way David reacted, you know when when Nathan the Prophet came to him and he's like burn her and then she comes and Then she's like the person who basically I'm gonna have a baby by is the owner of these things The bracelet the signet and the staff and she's like she's more righteous than I Which is such a stupid statement because they're both not righteous at all. She was just more cunning than he was and Conspired more in an evil way to basically, you know, and he understood at the end He's all that's because I didn't give Sheila to her to wife But the point is the point that I'm trying to make is the fact that he was willing to give a pledge for this harlot This harlot who he thought he didn't know Obviously a stupid individual and by the way anybody who goes around sleeping with prostitutes is a stupid individual Okay, there's a pastor a couple years ago who was doing that. He's a foolish person. He's a wicked person You know using church money by the way To go sleep with prostitutes. I mean, how wicked is that? But anybody who goes around sleeping with prostitutes is obviously a simple stupid idiotic individual Why because they don't know that person they don't know how many diseases that person has I don't know if that person has HIV or what kind of STDs that they have or diseases or you know Maybe her pimp is waiting in that hotel room or whatever and shoots him and kills him and robs him But you know what take a pledge of him for a strange woman because only simple stupid people do that Only an idiot will go around and sleeping with prostitutes