(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) this is that why should we pray well because it maintains our sanity it keeps the same okay you know there might be some psychological thing to that but for sure it's a spiritual thing look at Philippians chapter number four you see prayer prayer reminds us that though we walk after the flesh we do not war after the flesh right you know reminds us that the things which are seen are temporal because here's the thing we're physical beings we have to we feel pain we have afflictions we go through trials and heartaches here in this world but when we enter into prayer we're basically breaching that realm between the physical world and the spiritual world and we're going to God whom we have not seen to ask for certain things and you know what it does it creates sanity it helps us to maintain our sanity it helps us to realize you know what as bad as it gets down here it's still not really bad because of the fact that I have heaven I'm safe I have eternal life these things are getting really hot huh are they getting really hot you guys want to turn those off I feel the heat so can someone throw a bundle of sticks into those things please no I'm just kidding you know what prayer helps us to set our affections on things above not on the things of this earth it reminds you that there's a heaven it reminds you that there's a millennial rain it reminds you that there's a new heaven and a new earth it reminds us that we are pilgrims in this world we're not gonna be here forever okay the Bible tells us that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee wouldn't you say that a lot of people lost their minds into 2020 right a lot of people just completely lost their minds they're just going crazy may not may that not be said of you though because we're Christians we have access to something we have access to a peace that passes understanding look what Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 says be careful for nothing now this doesn't mean be reckless you don't have to be careful drive on the wrong side of the street and do whatever just you know just do whatever you want you're fine when it says be careful it's saying you shouldn't be full of care careful full of care he says be careful for nothing you know don't stress out don't worry but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God so what is he saying look instead of being careful worried what's gonna happen what is the future hold what's gonna happen you know I just don't know what's gonna what's gonna take place next week God is saying well just give your request to God here's a solution to your stresses here's a solution to your worries here's a solution to your cares you cast your care upon him for he cares for you and look what it says in verse 7 what is the result of that and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ through Christ Jesus so look he says look instead of being worried and stress over that which is unknown pray be thankful have supplication with Thanksgiving give your request to God and what does God do does he just completely just take away your problems no does he remove your financial woes no does he fix your health maybe not does he fix the situation no but you know what he does do is he gives you the peace of God the past that's understanding now that's not to say that he's not gonna answer that specific prayer but while you're waiting for that prayer to be answered he gives you peace and you know what sometimes that's really all we need if we could just have the peace of God the past with understanding you know the world can be falling apart around us to the left and to the right of us but you know we're like I don't really care you know I have peace you know I have you know the peace of God I'm I have tranquility I'm not really worried about anything I'm just kind of living life waiting on the Lord for him to answer these prayers you know and if you feel you're if you feel like you're going crazy this year or if you've gone crazy last year you know it's probably a lack of prayer you know because the Bible says that he did not give us a spirit of fear but of power love and what sound mind