(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, what do we see here so far? What we see is the temple, the house of God, the river of life issuing forth from that temple from the altar where you're supposed to die, be a living sacrifice. As you begin to walk and follow the man, also known as the Holy Spirit, he's going to take you through the rivers of water to come to your ankles, you're going to be walking in the Spirit. The further you go, it's going to take you to your knees, because eventually you will suffer persecution. Doesn't the Bible say, yea, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution? And it's going to bring you to your knees. But you have power in prayer, amen? Look at verse number four, again he measured a thousand and brought me through the waters. The waters are to the knees, and again he measured a thousand and brought me through, and by the way, anytime you go through a difficult time, he always will bring you through. He will always bring you through. The waters were to the loins. Now this is where it gets a little uncomfortable. You can deal with the waters to your ankles, you can deal with it to your knees, but when it starts coming to your loins, now you're just like, okay, now we're getting really deep into this. So he's bringing them through the waters and it's to his belly, his loins, okay? Now what's the significance of this? Well the Bible tells us, go to Ephesians again, chapter six, the Bible says in John 7, 38, he that believeth on me, as the scripture had said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. So as you walk in the Spirit, it's coming to your ankles, it's going to lead you to your knees, and as you go deeper after the knees, it's going to come to your loins. Walking in the Spirit, you're going to pray when you go through tribulation. After you pray, you go through tribulation, then tribulation worketh patience, and patience hope, and hope maketh not a shame, the Bible says, and it comes to the loins. Now your loins are filled with the Spirit, okay? Now out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water. What does that mean? Look what the Bible says in Ephesians 6, 14, stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness. What I believe this is referring to is the fact that now that you're going through some trials, now that you've been on your knees, now that you've read the word of God, now you're capable to actually preach to other people. Whether it be the gospel or whether it be your family, now out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth can speak. Out of your mouth shall flow rivers of living water, okay? The Bible says in Luke 6, 45, a good man, out of good treasure of his heart, bringeth forth that which is good, okay? And the Bible says in Proverbs 4, 23, keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the what? Issues of life. So once the water reaches the loins, what happens now? Now you're filled with the Spirit, now it's to your loins, and now you can preach the word of God, you can talk about the word of God. God gives you knowledge, God gives you wisdom, God gives you prudence. You can lead your wife, you can be a blessing to your children, you can be a blessing at your work, you can win souls to Christ's wife because out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.