(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) If I'm already indwelt by the Holy Spirit, you know, he'll never leave me nor forsake me I'm sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption Why is it that I have to be filled with the Spirit as though you know the insinuation there is though I'm empty of God's Spirit when the Holy Spirit is already dwelling within me. Why is that? How can we be indwelt with the Holy Spirit and not be filled with the Spirit right now? Have you ever thought that like I just don't understand how that works We we accept it by faith, but we can't really understand the mechanics of that. How does that work? Well, let me give you a really simple illustration to help you understand this. Okay? Let's say there's a vehicle and then that vehicle, you know that you have the shell, right? But the shell is not going anywhere because it doesn't have an engine Well as soon as an engine is placed into that vehicle now it has the potential to go places Right, and then you put that engine in there and close the hood and it's sealed Okay But here's the thing The the the vehicle needs what? Gas. It needs to be filled With gas in order to go from point A to point B Now you may have an engine in there You may have the engine there the the shell is there it looks like a vehicle It should act like a vehicle, but you know if you have no gas whatsoever It's not gonna go anywhere, right and in fact once you fill it up with that premium gas known as the Holy Spirit Every once in a while you go on empty Right and if you're anything like me you wait to the bitter end You wait to the very when it's like you know it hits that red And you're like is it time to get gas yeah, and then you tilt your head a little bit like nah I'm good. You know it's all about perspective folks Okay, and then it starts coughing. It's like okay. I think it's time. It's time pull in pull in pull in You know what sometimes you go on empty, and what do you need you need to refill right? Now does that because you have no gas in the tank does that mean there's no engine in the vehicle No, you have the engine already Dwelling within the vehicle. It's sealed the hood is shut, but you know what you need to keep filling yourself up every day with gas Why cuz you're going places right you're fulfilling your destiny here on this earth You're going from point A to point B. You are accomplishing something therefore You need to be filled with the spirit But you know what the problem is is a lot of people that get this new engine They put it in the vehicle. They shut it, and they just keep it in the garage They don't drive it anywhere. They don't go anywhere so because they're not driving anywhere. They don't need to be filled with premium gas