(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When we get saved we get sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption, right? Well a reprobate who gets damned is sealed with an unclean spirit until the day of damnation They're permanently damned by that point you understand But there's obvious instances when an individual is possessed by Devils. He's not permanently possessed You know, he is, you know possessed in a sense of if you remember in the Bible, you know Actually in this very scripture we see that Jesus talking about a person who has an unclean spirit The unclean spirit departs from him He brings seven more unclean spirits with him and he finds the house clean, right? And then they possess him so that shows that people who are not saved who are possessed by Devils It's almost in a sense. They're like a they're like a hotel for Devils sometimes They just come in and out in and out in and out based upon the choices that they make the influences They allow in their lives, you know, and look there's certain cultures that are more prone to be involved in that stuff than others I'll give you an example Hispanic cultures is often a culture that has allowed satanic influences through witchcraft Let me let me just tell you this. There's something called Santeria right Santeria and you know where they pray to these It's a demonic thing. They pray to death They have all these idols and they they like candles for these things. They offer them food this these are Devils folks Well, you know I'm trying to like get this person to Give me money or I'm trying to get this person to like me or to marry this other individual. Those are enchantments That's satanic Well, I'm trying to succeed in my job work hard Don't line a candle Don't pray to the devil for those things And Let me just say this I can give you some horror stories that I will not give here in the sermon because it'll just scare the fire out of the young people here of Legitimate stories of demonic oppression of people who have been possessed by Devils they've been harmed by Devils because I come from a church where a lot of Cambodians were reached and Cambodians from Southeast Asia are heavily involved in Buddhism and all types of demonic things and I can tell you some stories. It's just like what in the world is going on Scary, you know, so that should that should encourage some of you if you're not saved to get saved Because if God before us who can be against us, right? So demonic oppression or demonic possession is very much a real deal and when we go out there and preach the gospel We need to make sure that as we're preaching the gospel we understand Hey, we're not these Pentecostal exorcists that are able to remove demons from people We just can give them the Word of God The gospel get them saved and that person that demon will vacate that body Because the Holy Spirit will come in because the flesh profit of nothing. It's the spirit that quicken it, right? That's what the Bible tells us