(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But the second thing is this matter of preaching the gospel and this is relevant because of what happened this week That they arrested These these soul winners for preaching the gospel You know society is beginning to think that this is bad and this is nothing new Even when I was at my old church, I remember when I was at my old church I went sowing with with two other guys and this is in Monterey Park This is a couple years ago, and I remember we're out sowing We're coming back and the police pulls us over with guns drawn Like get out of the car now. They had me get out. I mean, I'm in my suit. I have parted hair No beard at the time You know, I mean and they had me walk backwards You know this before I knew like all my rights and stuff like that and like and I was really young at that time And they're patting me down and stuff. They're taking stuff out of my pocket and I'm like these guys are gonna kill us I'm like, what are you doing this for and They put me in handcuffs. They put the two my buddies in handcuffs. One of them was a brand-new Christian This is first time out sowing Crash course and They sit us on the curb. We were there for like an hour and a half They're just going through my vehicle and they're like we got a call that you guys were doing home invasions Home invasions they said they said that you two because the guy who was a brand-new Christian. He didn't have a suit He just got saved, you know And but the other guy did and they're saying that the guys with the suits were going up to the doors Knocking on the doors and then the other guy was going around back To basically do the home invasion, you know, this god haters the one who called them You know and look I can't stand the police and they irritate the fire out of me But you know what irritates me more than them is the god haters Who are actually calling they have the audacity to just waste time and call and tell people that we're out doing a home invasion and They kept us there for an entire hour and he's like you're trying to tell me You're going to these doors and try to invite them to your church and giving them the word of God I'm like look at I got tracks on me. I was like get the invites from my pockets The police officers did not believe me. I Was like I go to Pacific Baptist Church. It's down the street You know, I had the invites the Bibles are right there Now I will say this This is really funny. So he's like, what do you mind if we search your car like your trunk and stuff? I was like go for it. You're not gonna find anything But I forgot that my friend earlier that day say hey, man, I'm not gonna be riding my bike to work Someone's gonna give me a ride, but I took it this far. You mind if I put it in your trunk Yeah, go for it. So you put his bike in my trunk and the guy pops open the truck. He's like, oh What's this? I'm like, okay that I can explain that you know, it's like that's my friends, you know And then he ended up believing me afterwards or whatever, but he wasted my stinking time You know when we could have been out there doing some actual soul when he preached in the gospel seeing people saved And look this even happened to us in our church for the hike and Chad We when the when some dyke call the police officer on them call the police on them and wasted their time Made a huge scene about the entire thing. It happened to Marcos and Justin Zong For the Sony marathon in Santa Maria Now the funny thing about that is during the Santa Maria marathon We had he had the shirt that we designed that said eat preach repeat and some God hater called the police and said yeah That guy's begging for money because it says eat preach repeat, you know Foolishness go to Acts chapter 5 Acts chapter 5 But you know, it's getting to a point where it's becoming very ridiculous And it's gonna get to a point where we're gonna get arrested and they're gonna throw us in jail But you know what? That's not gonna change anything We're gonna keep going out there. Keep so any and we're gonna still see a lot of people say Okay Look at verse 27 It says for one and when they had brought them they set them before the council and the high priest asked them saying Didn't we not really command you? you should not teach in this name and behold you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and Intend to bring this man's blood upon us then Peter and the other apostles answered and said we ought to obey God rather than man But Christians today we ought to obey man rather than God Romans 13 Where are you getting that from? It's not from my King James Bible You get them from somewhere else You know and they rather and I'm sick of the comments I'm sick of what people are saying. Oh you guys brought that upon yourselves. Yeah, you know why cuz we're so winning That's the byproduct of it. What are you doing? You little weakling of a Christian nothing You know, you will fit perfectly within the New World Order You know, you're gonna be that you're gonna be the police state's little slave We ought to obey God rather than man no matter what happens Okay, and just just be ready for it. It's gonna happen