(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now I would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes I purpose to come unto you but was let hither to That I may have some fruit among you also even as among of the Gentiles So we see here in verse number 13 that the Apostle Paul This is something that he often repeats even in the New Testament Where he wants to go somewhere or he has the goal of preaching the gospel somewhere But he's he's he's hindered and by the way It says right there let hither to and of course in our modern vernacular let would mean would would mean allow, right? But here in the Bible, it's actually referring to Hindering is what it is and it'll use both words interchangeably throughout the whole Bible You say well, how do I know? Which one is it talking about? Just read the context and you'll know Okay, let it hinder to he wants to go there But he can't we obviously know that means to hinder and he's saying here that he was hindered from coming among them so he can Preach the gospel among them and see people saved now Go with me if you would to to Galatians chapter number two Galatians chapter number two. I'm a read to you from Romans chapter 15 you know reading even the the the the not the Gospels but the the Paul's what we would call the Paul's epistles the Pauline epistles. We'll see that often he's hindered You know He wants to do some of these hindered not forbade because we obviously know that the Holy Ghost forbade him at one time to go Into Asia, right but here we see that this is actually something that's hindering him It's something outside of himself. It's it's something that's not God that's hindering him in Romans 15 22 It says for which cause also I have been much hindered from coming to you And again, he's referring there in chapter 15 as in regards to preaching the gospel first Thessalonians 2 18 You don't have to turn there. The Bible says wherefore we would have come unto you even I Paul once and again, but Satan hindered us So we see that he's hindered then we see what it was Satan that was hindering, right? Well, look at Galatians 2 4 says and that because of false brethren Unawares brought in who came in privily to spy our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into Bondage now you read further in Galatians. What does he tell the Galatian the Galate the Christians at Galatia? He said this who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth You know often what's it's not just some some outside force or you know A tree crashes and you can't get to the church or you can't preach the gospel You know what is it's Satan uses his instruments false teachers and false prophets that would hinder people from getting the gospel Because really that those are the the main proponents Opponents I should say of the gospel are those who don't believe in The salvation by grace through faith and those those who believe in a repent of your sins and those who would believe a false Doctrine those are the people who would want to hinder us Right false teachers false prophets In fact what the Bible would would term as reprobates and we're gonna see that in just a little bit These are people who would love to stop us. These are people who would love to stop the message These are people who would love to hinder us and who knows there might be a time When we are hindered from doing the work of God or there might be a time we may be hindered from preaching the gospel to A people but that doesn't mean they can stop us Because obviously Paul the Apostle was not stopped. Yeah, he was hindered in this area. He was in here going to Thessalonica He was hindered into going to Rome But there's a bunch of other places he did go to and we got to realize that there's gonna be times in our Christian life Even in our church when we will be hindered from doing the work of God But guess what when when one door closes we need to go for another open door And let me say this when the Bible the Bible teaches us that there's an open door. There's always an adversary They're waiting for us for a gray and effectual doors open unto us and there are many adversaries So that's something we just got to prepare for and there's gonna be times when we're hindered, but that doesn't mean we're stopped From doing it right that doesn't mean someone can cause us to cease to do these things In fact in Luke 11 52 says won't you lawyers for you have taken away the key of knowledge He entered not in yourselves and them that were entering in he hindered you see there's people who have an agenda To keep people from getting saved. He said no, I don't believe there's really people there's workers of iniquity They really have it who want to creep in privily to bring them bring in damn double heresies Why because they don't want them to be saved they want to hinder them from accepting Christ They want to hinder them from trusting Christ as a personal Savior. Why because they have an agenda They have a plan. There's something construing in their mind They're evil wicked people they desire to hinder us, but they can hinder us, but they can't stop us Okay, and we can't get discouraged and say oh man this door closed What are we gonna do now move on to the next door? Move on to the next city move on to the next door move on to the next Opportunity that God presents to us so we can go through and be successful go back