(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now let me just explain something to you real quick and this is something that every saved person in here understands and it seems very elementary but it just needs to be stated. When Jesus said he's the bread of life it doesn't mean that he's an actual loaf of bread that needed to be baked in an oven. So why is it duh? I mean what? Well I'll tell you why because there's a heretic out there by the name of Manly Perry and Manly Perry got up you know he put up the sermon a couple weeks ago which means they it's something he preached like years ago or something because he always uploads his sermons months or years afterwards because he's afraid that people are gonna find his heresy. Well too late sucka you know who they found it but he gets up and he says you know he says Mary was not Jesus's mother not his mother and he's like because he's divine you know he's divine you know the Holy Ghost came on came upon Mary and you know but it doesn't mean that she was actually his physical mother and this is how he explained it he's like I don't know everything about the Y chromosome or anything like that we can't use worldly knowledge to explain these things. Well that's because you just don't have knowledge period. Hick you know there's science out there that actually matches up with the Bible that's compatible that's true that's fact but he makes the most blasphemous statement he said Mary was just the oven that's what he said he goes she was just the oven cuz you know Jesus is the bread of life so she's not the mother you know you know Jesus wasn't really in there you know he just he's just the bread of life inside the oven when it was nice and ready then he came out you know just blasphemy you say why did he say that cuz he's just the devil he just makes it he's just because he's unsaved unsafe people come up with weird stuff did anybody read John 6 anytime before this and say you know what if Jesus is the bread of life that makes Mary the oven then anybody comes to that conclusion no of course not