(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is something that you constantly see especially in regards to the Jews, you know The Bible says that they missed their time of visitation When God in the flesh came to them and and salvation was born here on this earth. They missed it They rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. They stumbled at the stumbling stone Now look at Matthew 21 verse 43 says therefore say I unto you verse 43 the kingdom of God shall be taken from you speaking to the Pharisees which were adherence to Judaism and Given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and Whosoever shall fall in this stone shall be broken but upon whomsoever it shall fall It will grind him to powder and when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables They perceived that he spake of them now go with me if we went to 2nd Chronicles 34 2nd Chronicles chapter 34 I Read this verse and I was thinking myself. Why does it say that you'll grind them to powder? I mean, maybe he's just illustrating the fact that he's just gonna demolish them which obviously he is and he has But what does it say to powder? Like why does it say that he's just gonna grind them to powder? Well, I believe it's because if you read in the Old Testament specifically in 2nd Kings and 2nd Chronicles, you know you'll read about the bad kings, but you also read about good kings righteous kings and Often the first thing that righteous kings would do when they would come into power. What would they do? They would begin to reform the land Right, they would start coming break the houses of the sodomites, you know, they would take down the groves There was they would smash all the idols. I mean they clean house is what they would do Now here's an example of this in 2nd Chronicles 34 in verse number 5 speaking of Josiah Which was a very good godly King verse number 5 says and he burnt the bones of the priests upon the altars and cleansed Judah in Jerusalem and So did he in the cities of Manasseh and Ephraim and Simeon even in unto Naphtali with their Maddox roundabout and when he had broken down the Altars and the groves and had been the graves Images into powder and cut down all the idols throughout all the land Israel. He returned to Jerusalem So what would the righteous King do when he would come and clean house? He's demolishing everything. He's destroying everything What is it? He's grinding it even to powder. I mean To kill something and to smash something. It's like, okay, it's done man. But when you're grinding it to powder, I Mean you're making sure that thing will never come to life I think could never be put back together and so it makes sense in Matthew when we read that he says the kingdom of God should be taken from me given to another nation bringing Forth the fruit stirrup and he tells him and elsewhere. No leaves. No fruit shall grow on here. They're on forever more What is he doing? He's grinding it to powder Why because just as the righteous Kings and second Kings and second Chronicles clean house The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords will clean house as well. He's gonna grind it to powder He's gonna make make sure Judaism never comes back. Right? It's like you're done Like the chaff as the Bible says the ungodly are taken away like the chaff So it's not like he's just breaking it down and then you could just build it back up. No, no No, you can't build that back up ever again You know, obviously we have people today that are trying to bring back the Hebrew roots move in it's not gonna work It's already powder It's not gonna work, but I thought that was interesting You know the Bible says whosoever shall he shall fall upon he will grind it to powder just like the Kings did in the Old Testament