(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and look let me say this this was real missions i was a missionary for like three days and i probably got more done in three days than most missionaries get done in three years i'm talking about me you're boasting i'm just being honest right because in that mission trip we saw as a group and the numbers aren't even finished at least 240 people saved well how do you know all those people shut up how do you know were you with me did you see me give the gospel well how thorough were you well you know what you buy a plane ticket you come with me next time and we'll see how thorough i am 240 people saved and i'm talking about we're being conservative pastor anderson went out with him and i went out we went we preached the gospel together for those couple of days and there's some people we prayed with we didn't count i mean we prayed with people and it was just like yeah you know but we're just not sure the confirmations we got were like these people understood i mean yet on saturday i'm going this my my partner's giving the gospel and i see a guy in the street and i said hey i got a free dvd for you and he said i already got one i said okay well more important than that is knowing 100 sure that if you're to die today you're gonna go to heaven he said i'm saved he said i got saved yesterday he said a gringo told me yesterday about this he says i believed on the lord jesus christ already what do you say i said okay gracias you know i'm talking about they're giving clear answers this is legitimate salvations right here okay so before you uh you know what are you trying to say this is real missions yeah it's real missions it's real and we had a stinking good time doing it too you