(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's pretty apparent that when you study the Bible, that God made us exactly how he wanted us to be, amen? And he gave us our features, our physical qualities, and every unique attribute that we possess comes from God. And in fact, the Bible says that God created men in his own image, and the image of God created he him, and that male and female created he them. The Bible tells us that it is God that made thee and that formed thee in the womb. The Bible says that he planted the ear, he formed the eye. When talking to Jeremiah, he says, before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee. Before thou camest forth out of thy womb, I sanctified thee and ordained thee to be a prophet unto the nation. So over and over again, we see it as God who forms human beings. It's God who made the man, it's God who made the woman, it's God who made us. And it's important for us to know that God is the one who chose our features, he's the one who chose our qualities. And you know what, even if we're born with some sort of defect, or what we would consider to be a flaw, a blemish, you know the Bible still says, who hath made man's mouth? Who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or seeing, or the blind, hath not I the Lord? So even though you might think to yourself, well I have some defect, I'm just imperfect, I have this blemish, you know what, the Bible says that we're fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works, amen? Why? Because the potter has power over the clay. And God makes no mistakes when he created us. He made no mistake when he created you, he made no mistake when he created me. He doesn't regret making you Hispanic, he doesn't regret making you Filipino, he doesn't regret making you black, you know. Hey, he doesn't regret making you white. He's not supporting these idiotic liberals out there who are telling you to be less white. He's not in heaven saying, hey, I know I created you a gringo, I know I created you to be a white person, but now in 2021 you need to be less white. I put a little too much white in you, and you need to be a little less white. No, he's not in heaven doing that. Why? Because he makes no mistakes. He made you exactly the way he wanted you to be. And think about this, God makes no mistakes when he creates people, when he created people, when he created you, when he created me. We make mistakes.