(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) said nay then say they unto him say now shibboleth and he said sibboleth for he could not frame to pronounce it right then they took him and slew him at the passages of Jordan and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand that's a long line that's it so they said sibboleth 42,000 times right that's a lot I mean you need ships for that that's a lot of sibboleth okay now what's the significance of this story well let me explain first of all what's taking place here so one thing we know for sure is that the Ephraimites the Gileadites and Manassehites they all look the same right because they specifically said are you an Ephraimite and they would say nay and they couldn't tell whether they were foreigners or they're part of Gileadites visually as far as their appearance is concerned the clothing that they had or whatever may be they couldn't really distinguish if there were Gileadites so what was it based upon it was based upon what they said they were able to distinguish if they're the enemy based upon the words that came out of their mouths by thy words thou shalt be justified by thy words thou shalt be condemned now what is shibboleth well I don't know you can't really compare it with anything in the Bible because there is no definition in the Bible that explains what it is if you were to just look it up on the internet like on a dictionary what is shibboleth you know it gives a general definition of what it is but we don't know if it's that for sure it's basically saying that you know it's a it's a phrase or some type of word that would detect if a person is who they say they are okay based upon how they pronounce it right and some people have different opinions on that either way this was a linguistic type of a test that they can use to prove that these people were actually Ephraimites or not and it was simply based on the what the shh they could not say the shh part so the most menial pronunciation they could not pronounce and they gave themselves away simply by using this linguistic test that exposed them of who they really were pretty interesting is it not and no one can pronounce it now why is that well if you read the book of Nehemiah you'll see that because the people were intermingled so much many of the Hebrews were not able to speak the Hebrew language because they're so intermingled they're so mixed in with foreigners and those who were of opposite religions and gods they became so intermingled that they were no longer even able to speak in the Hebrew language so we see they weren't able to pronounce it so it could be the Ephraim at this point was becoming so intermingled because we are looking in the book of Judges where idolatry was taking place where do they learn idolatry from well I don't know remember in chapter one that they dwelled they allowed who the Canaanites to dwell among them they were probably influenced they probably gonna talk like them and that's how they gave themselves away okay so that's that's what we see there now what is the practical application to this go to Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 let me give you a couple things here so let me first and foremost say this is that what reveals something about a person it's the words that come out of their mouth okay because the Bible does say out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and in fact if you remember Peter when he denied the Lord he denied him thrice correct that a woman came to him and said thou art a Galilean and he denied it and she said thou art a Galilean for thy speech beareth thee in other words what he's saying hey the way you talk and what you said is basically revealing who you really are thou art a Galilean in another portion it said and thy speech agreeeth thereto so what he said was in direct connection with who he was as far as where he was from who he followed they knew he was with Christ because of the words that he said so we see that words are important words can often describe who a person really is you know what comes out of your mouth often determines who you really are down deep inside what you cut what comes out of your mouth the things that you talk about is often a clear vision it's a Panera it's a it's like a television into your heart because whatever is in your heart is gonna eventually come out of your mouth you know let me have one conversation with you and I'll tell you what's important to you let me have one conversation about spirituality about things of the spiritual about the Bible and I'll tell you how much Bible you know let me talk to you about just anything and I can determine what is really in your heart why because your speech reveals who you are say shibboleth say shibboleth and if you said Sibboleth you just revealed who you really are you're not really a Gileadite you're not really a Manasseh who are you you're an Ephraimite who can't frame to pronounce it now this is practical and this is applicable to false prophets is it not look at verse 31 it says wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men now what is he specifically referring to the fact that the Pharisees were saying that Jesus Christ had Beelzebub as a spirit they said this verse 32 and whosoever speak at the word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost and shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit Oh generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a good man out of good treasure of the heart bringeth forth that with the good things and an evil man of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned now there's two manners there's two ways you could spot a false prophet number one by the fruit they produce right you can spot a false prophet in behind the pulpit based upon the fruit that's in the church correct but what about infiltrators false prophets who are not pastors they're not evangelists they're not preachers they're just within the congregation well one sure way to do it is by the things that they say by the doctrines they believe the Bible says try the spirits and that's often in reference to the words that are coming out of their mouth why is that well because of the fact that false prophets can't help but preach false doctrine it'll eventually come out if they believe in a words-based salvation it's gonna come out and now I'm not talking about like a slip of a word okay I'm talking about they will eventually teach it if they're a stinking oneness modulus heretic twofold more a child of hell they will reveal it out of their mouths it's gonna come out you know their folly shall be made manifest but what appear what a Paul say but that was known me in my doctrine doctrine is teaching he's like you know what I teach you know my doctrine you know what I preach well in like man are these infiltrators these people who are ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth what the Bible says that are corrupt men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith you can spot them based upon what they say the words that come out of their mouth because when you tell them pronounced shibboleth shibboleth you talk to a modulus well we believe you know we're not oneness or modulus but the words that are coming out of the mouth is like yes you are Dominique Davis yes you are Tyler Baker yes you are Garrett Kirschway doesn't matter what you try to say how you try to twist it what comes out of your mouth is that your oneness you're a modulus you're a heretic regardless why because you can't pronounce shibboleth you're having a hard time pronouncing shibboleth sibboleth you know what do you really well I believe it's by faith but you know what faith without words is dead being alone right I'm saved no you're not because you can't pronounce shibboleth you can't pronounce salvation you can't pronounce salvation by grace through faith alone you can't seem to pronounce one saved always saved you pronounce sibboleth is what you do so what they say what people say often gives them away