(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Another thing that false prophets do in order to keep congregants in the church is something that's called flattery. Okay, you guys know what flattery is? I promise you, we'll make you feel right at home. Oh, you're just like the best and you're just like, I'm so thankful that you guys are here. And man, I love you guys. It's just like mushy. Talk. Look, there's nothing wrong with giving a compliment, you know what I mean? Just like, hey man, that was a good sermon. Or hey, thanks for coming. I'm glad you guys are here. You guys are awesome, you know. But when it gets to the point where it's just like mushy. If nobody's complimenting you, you can compliment yourself. Get up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror. Good morning, you good-looking thing. Call it by faith. But I'm not going to flatter someone and brown-nose congregants to stay. That's foolish. You know, I'm not going to be butt-kissing just to get someone to stay so we can keep their tithe. That's foolish. Look, my God owns a cattle and a thousand hill. He owns all the silver and gold in the world. He can provide for all the needs. I don't need one congregant who's a tithing member, you know, and I'm going to brown-nose them so we can stay. Ain't going to happen. And see, that's the kind of preaching that we need in America today. And if these pastors will get the gall and get the guts and the backbone to say the same thing, they would keep the people who they thought they were going to lose. Are you allowing negative things in your container to reach the fullness of your destiny? You need to operate at your maximum potential.