(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And a wise man a wise man's heart is able to discern both time and judgment in other words when we look at the evil day Yeah, we see that we're going through tribulation and anguish, but we're able to discern time and judgment we know that these things have an end we understand that there's a Greater purpose and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God And so a wise man's heart can discern both time and judgment And so that's what I want to talk to you about this evening is the fact that there are blessings found in the evil day okay, and 2020 can be Summarized as the evil day right lots of evils happen throughout this year And maybe there's some of you in here who will say well. I haven't been affected by this at all You know I've just kind of gone about my normal life and nothing really bad has happened to me I've heard of a lot of bad things happening to others, but I haven't fell into that But you know there's a lot of people who have and have experienced the evil day have experienced trial tribulation and anguish of soul And so I want to talk about those blessings that you can find in there now. Let me read to you from Jeremiah chapter 7 17 excuse me verse number 7 says blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord whose hope the Lord is for he shall be a tree planted by waters and that spreadeth out her roots by the river and shall not see When he cometh the Bible says But her leaves shall be green and shall not be careful in the year of drought Neither shall cease from yielding fruit So the Bible says that when a man walks with God when they're reading the Bible when they're serving the Lord They're not gonna see when he cometh They're not gonna see when the evil comes upon them because of the fact that their heart their mind is stayed on the Lord They're focused on that which is most important now about a year ago I preached a sermon called God's remedy for the evil day, and I basically explained What are the solutions that God gives when we experience a trial a tribulation etc? And I was explaining that sermon that when the Bible talks about evil often we associate that with evil doers Right people who are involved in mischievousness They want to harm other people people who are the workers of iniquity But when the Bible talks about evil, it's not only referring to evil doers It could be just be referring to a mishap, you know a misfortune a time of difficulty a time of trial and Sometimes this happens because God is judging a Christian, right? God brings an evil upon an individual because of their disobedience towards God and he's chastising them He's spanking them and he's allowing evil to come upon that individual but sometimes Evil comes upon an individual not because they're disobedient to God, but just because it's life because of 2020 because of the evil of others the evil intentions of others Innocent people suffer the consequences of other people's actions. Okay? Look at chapter 9 of Ecclesiastes if you would chapter 9 And what I want to tell you this evening is that hey you need to look at the silver lining in all those evil days You know Look at all the anguish that you've experienced or even the English that you will experience one day because it is gonna happen And what you need to do is look out pick out the blessings of those times, you know, this is our Thanksgiving service So what are we what are we doing for Thanksgiving? We're reminded to be thankful of everything that we have We never want to be the kind of people that just murmur and complain and just everything is just whoa and God's not good He's not on the throne, you know We want to be the kind of people that even though we're living in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation We can be thankful for the things that we have And the way we do that is by looking at the blessings that are found within the evil day