(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It says in verse 12 and it came to pass as she continued praying before the Lord that Eli marked her mouth What does it mean when it says he marked her mouth? You know, he's there and he sees her praying He basically sees that she's she's mumbling something Okay, you mark something as basically means you identify them. You understand that makes sense Now Hannah she spake in her heart only her lips moved but her voice was not heard Therefore Eli thought she had been drunken now, this is pretty weird Okay, and I'm explained to you what I think it means if you have a different interpretation tell me after the service But what we see here is that Hannah's praying and the Bible says here that she's speaking in her heart Only her lips moved. So the picture that I get is that you know, if you pray you're praying kind of thus within yourself But you're kind of wording the things you're saying with your you know, it's kind of like when you read You guys ever read and you're not necessarily Audibly reading but your lips are moving because you're reading the words with your mouth kind of thing You guys know what I'm talking about? So that's kind of what we see with Hannah She's praying and she's just kind of you can't really hear her but her lips are moving So she's she's saying something but it's not an audible type thing. So Eli Who's the man of God? This is the spiritual leader He looks at this and says oh, she must be drunk That's Weird Got yourself a woman who's in the house of God her husband, okay, and I had just finished offering these things the the the the sacrifices and Then the only conclusion you can come to is that she's drunk. She's inebriated. Oh, she's mumbling. She must be drunk He says in verse 14 and Eli said answer how long would that be drunken put away thy wine from thee Now this is so weird. Okay, but let me explain to you why I think he said all that. I Think this is showing us Eli's spiritual state I Think that's what it is Because later on a couple chapters later on it talks about how Eli's eyes waxed them so that he could not see and that's referring To physically you understand like he was he was going blind okay, but I think the Bible literally inserts those that type of wording because it's telling us because why would it matter if his eyes are Physically growing them that he cannot see what the Bible is trying to convey. There is the fact that he's spiritually going blind He's spiritually incapable of seeing he's not seeing that his sons are reprobates He's not seeing all the stupid stuff that they're doing the wicked things that they're doing he lacks because what is the biblical term for? being able to see Like if you can see something spiritually you're able to what? discern You're able to see now with your sixth eye or something a third eye or whatever they call that It's referring to the fact that you're able to discern a situation, right? You can discern someone's character You can discern someone's motives or you can discern a situation based upon, you know, God's wisdom God's Word the Spirit leads you type of a thing, right and So what this is showing us is that Eli is losing his discernment He's a spiritual leader of that day, but the guy can't even tell when someone's praying She must be drunk and we'll see later on that Eli was fat I mean, I'm not saying that to be funny. It's actually true He's very large and in fact, uh, you know, he dies in the most dishonorable way I Mean if I had to choose between like the way Saul was gonna die and the way Eli died I don't know man. I might go for the Saul's and Saul died pretty dishonorably So well, how did Eli die? He fell back and broke his neck All the way I mean I've fallen off a chair before Back and I've never broken my neck. I've never broken anything other than my pride. I Was extremely embarrassed But think about how much weight had to come upon his neck to snap his neck and kill him