(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Don't let it get to the tenth plague Right Don't let it get to the tenth plague now Here's what's interesting is that you know today people often say this in their hearts or maybe even out loud Well, I'll just wait to the very end on my deathbed to get saved You know, I'll just wait until I'm old and I'm ready but here's the thing in their minds They think that death will come upon them in a graceful way Like they like someone's gonna address them Hey, you're gonna die in about a week. So you might want to get things together You know pull your bed and let your family know. Sometimes people die instantly folks And guess what when death seizes upon you and you die You've allowed it to get to the tenth plague and you know what the tenth plague is. It's basically a picture of hell You know, don't let it get to that point there's people in this world who God is trying to get their attention He's allowing certain things to come upon them and you know what? He's doing it in order to draw them unto salvation You know people think oh, man I have it so bad and and all these things and so many bad things have happened to me Have you ever considered that maybe God's trying to get your attention? I'm talking about unsafe people Maybe God is trying to get your attention. Yeah He sent you the blood and the frogs and the boils and the lice and the moraine and he's destroying your Finances and everything was going wrong for you. Probably because he wants you to put blood on the lintels before the tenth plague comes Because guess what the frogs the blood these lice none of it compares to the tenth plague Your worst day here as an unsafe individual is not even compared to hell The blood doesn't compare to the destroyer The lice does not compare to destroy the frogs don't even compare to the destroyer Hey, you know you losing your job does not even compare To losing your own soul in a place called hell once the destroyers through with you So this a great principle that we can learn from this is that people should not wait till the last minute to get saved All right, who knows what was going through Pharaoh's heart and obviously I believe Pharaoh in this story, you know I believe he's a reprobate Okay, I believe God was already done with him But you know, I'm sure there's individuals who followed him who were not reprobates who unfortunately waited until the tenth plague But guess what at that point it was already too late for them