(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look what Isaiah 59 verse 19 says so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the West and his glory from the rising of The Sun when the enemy shall come in like a flood the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard Against him now. What is it talking about? What says he'll lift up a standard a standard is basically a banner Okay, it's an end sign if you think if you remember in the book of numbers There was end signs and banners that each tribe would put over their tribe to basically signify who they were Well the sign that in the standard is talking about right here is that the sign that you put up when you're going to war So when the enemy comes is like right here, buddy Independent fundamental Baptists, you know hating homos We're not gonna hide who we are. Yeah, KJV only right post-trip reroute replacement They all you know, whatever you whatever you want to associate us with it's biblical. That's us So God is saying hey when the enemy comes in as a flood That's not the time for you to fold up your banner and put it away He says the spirit will raise up the standard. He's gonna want he's gonna be the one who does it through who? They're just people You know, the Bible says you are our pistols in our hearts known in red of all men You see when the world looks at us, we're like a walking Bible We're preaching something through our lives We're not trying to hide anything that we believe and and when the flood comes and when the enemies come we're not supposed to be Like well, yeah, you know, I don't I don't really think that you know homes can be saved I just you know, but I try to stay away from all that, you know Yeah, I don't agree with oneness or anything like that. But you know, I just try to be neutral No, if you're neutral you're losing. Yeah, you cannot take a neutral position on any of these things And by and by taking a neutral position guess what you're losing by default Like I'm just not the fighting kind of guy. Well get out of the war then step aside Okay, because God is saying when the enemy's coming like a flood There's a standard is supposed to be raised up and look God is not looking for someone who's mighty He's not looking for someone who's talented. He's looking for someone who's dependent upon him and saying look Lord Here am I send me I'll stand up for the truth. I'll back up what the Bible says. I won't be ashamed of your chain I won't be ashamed of what the Word of God says. Here's my banner. Here's my standard This is who I am, but you know what? There's a lot of Christians proud Who glory and what what is it when that fight comes? They just they hide is what they do That's why the old IFB is dying Because they're too scared You know, they're afraid to lose their tithing church members They're afraid to offend and they're afraid for their church to diminish in numbers Well, you know what? It's gonna diminish in numbers either way Because God's not gonna bless a church that doesn't raise up the standard You